2024-2025 / PTRA0014-1

Tool design and analysis of its implications


Number of credits

 University certificate in philosophical practices3 crédits 



Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

For this paper, participants are invited to produce a game, a plan of discussion, a device or exercises with a philosophical purpose. These will be come with a reflection on ethical and political aims, but also on the expected philosophical effects.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

This personal work will attest of the participant's hability to produce devices fit to his audience and own context for leading workshop. It will proove his comprehensive understanding of all theoretical and practical aspects met his training.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

No pre-requisite

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Participants work alone, but they will have the opportunity to raise questions during one session of the training seminar.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)


Participants are invited to use books and readings recommended during the Wednesday seminars and training sessions.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Written work / report

Additional information:

The 10-pages long paper will contain (at least) the following sections:

  • Description of the device, namely its practical aspects (kind of audience : age, number, etc.) and a description of its general operating
  • Philosophical impacts: what for is this device useful, what habilities will it contribute to develop, which effects are expected or observed, etc.?
  • Ethical and political impacts (including, for example, issues examined in the context of the Éthique et politique de l'animation philosophique seminar). This section will be evaluated separately.
The paper is due for the May 31st 2024 and will be sent by email. A printed copy will be let in Marc-Antoine Gavray's box.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

We expect students to work by themselves. However a session of the seminar "Formations aux dispositifs d'animation philosophique" will be devoted to producing tools and devices. Students will be given the opportunity to raison questions, according to the progression of their personal work.



Association of one or more MOOCs