2024-2025 / PTFE0035-1

Final thesis


Number of credits

 Master in multilingual communication, professional focus in intercultural and international organization communication20 crédits 
 Master in multilingual communication, professional focus in economic and social communication20 crédits 
 Master in multilingual communication, professional focus in language and culture20 crédits 


Marie Herbillon

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

see the document 'Règlement des Travaux de fin d'études' on eCampus.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

see the document 'Règlement des Travaux de fin d'études' on eCampus.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Reference works:

Seurrat, Aude. 2014. Écrire un mémoire en sciences de l'information et de la communication: récits de cas, démarches et méthodes. Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Glorieux, Carole. 2016. Mémoires professionnels, mémoires d'application et autres TFE?: concepts utiles et dispositifs didactiques. Tactiques. Namur: Presses universitaires de Namur.

Written work / report

Other : Oral defence

Additional information:

see the document 'Règlement des Travaux de fin d'études' on eCampus.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

see the document 'Règlement des Travaux de fin d'études' on eCampus.


Marie Herbillon, Associate Professor


Département de Langues modernes: linguistique, littérature et traduction

Rue de Pitteurs 20 (L3 building, ground floor)    

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Identification sheet (MA Thesis)
MA Thesis Identification Sheet to be handed in to the head of the Jury (Julien Perrez)

eCampus platform
eCampus platform