2024-2025 / PEDA4051-1

Current questions in teaching in higher education, Part 1


30h Th, 20h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in education, professional focus in teaching4 crédits 
 Master in education, professional focus in adult training4 crédits 



Marianne Poumay

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

In Belgium, Higher Education Pedagogy (HEP) is still a young field of research. It is, however, nourished by numerous publications, specialized international conferences and a very important reflective activity. In an approach that leaves room for the individual educational interests of the students, this course makes it possible to:

  • Discover the realities of HEP through current issues that cross it and more particularly by addressing HE contexts that are being reorganized according to a competency-based approach (CBA) and will inevitably use Artificial Intellignence (AI) tools;
  • Deepen the conceptual benchmarks of the CBA (the competency framework, levels of development and learning and evaluation situations (LES)) by obtaining information via documents and testimonials; Deepen the framework for the use of AI in higher education;
  • Describe and test an existing AI tool, by analyzing its characteristics, its context of potential use and how it can take its place in a CBA course or training program;
  • Discuss your own analyzes and tests with the class (limits, strengths), always situating them within the field of HEP and CBA;
  • contribute to the creation of a common memo for the class, which allows these experiences to be gathered into a common tool.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

As, through this course, the students discover the new domain of higher education pedagogy, it will more specifically focus on the development of competence 1 of the reference grid used in the Master in Educational Sciences at FPLSE, slightly modified (by the lecturer) as follows :

"To analyse / present education and training situations :

  • referring to conceptual frameworks from the interdisciplinary field of the educational sciences (models, existing litterature) ;
  • taking into account the contexts and different actors of those situations (age, life and training contexts, functionning of the systems, meaning for each of the actors). 
  • adopting an ethical and responsible posture."

Prerequisite knowledge and skills


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Depending on their number, the students registered in the course will work individually or in subgroups, even if certain steps of their work will be individual.

In order for them to deepen the topic they have chosen, students will read and document their ideas (articles, conference proceedings, books, professional testimonials, online sites) and participate in internal seminars.

To share their work between groups and give meaning to their documentation process, the groups will collectively write a memo that will allows them to keep records of their progress.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:


A specific book will be used, from Berthiaume et Rege Colet (2013): « La pédagogie de l'enseignement supérieur : repères théoriques et applications pratiques - Tome 1 : Enseigner au supérieur », in  order to understand the context of Higher Education pedagogy.

The last book from Poumay and Georges (2022), entitled "Comment mettre en oeuvre une approche par compétences dans le supérieur", and more specifically its introduction and chapter 2, will situate the students' work and familiarize them to competence based learning programs (CBL programs).

Resources on AI, to be enriched by students during work, will be available in the online space of the course.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Participation in training activities (seminars, readings, group work, submission of intermediate work) is mandatory to access the oral exam.

With a view to continuous evaluation, some of the intermediate productions will also be graded, taken into account in the final mark.

Work placement(s)


Organisational remarks and main changes to the course



Professor: Marianne Poumay (M.Poumay@uliege.be)

Teaching assistant: Lisa Marée (Lisa.Maree@uliege.be) 

Associate scientist : François Georges

Association of one or more MOOCs