80h Internship
Number of credits
Master in medicine (180 ECTS) | 1 crédit |
Jean Luc Belche, Laetitia Buret, Philippe Burette, Didier Giet, Anne-Laure Lenoir, Christian Montrieux
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the second semester
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
All the information you need for this course can be found on eCampus. eCampus is the only tool for submitting and evaluating work. All references, documents, assignments, etc. can be found on eCampus.
Your General Medicine internship will last 2 weeks. Two students will be welcomed into the practice of a General Practitioner (GP). He or she will introduce you to his or her profession and support you in your learning activities. You'll take part in consultations and home visits, meet patients and carry out tasks and activities. It's this logbook, and especially eCampus, that will serve as your guide during your internship. Don't hesitate to ask your MdS to help you meet the objectives of the internship (these are well known to him or her).
The internship will take place in compliance with current individual and collective health regulations (see https://www.sciensano.be/fr ), to be discussed with the internship supervisor.
At the end of the booklet, a poster to be displayed in the waiting room is proposed to announce the presence of students with patients.
- 3 ½ days per student: accompaniment of the practice of the Practice Leader-General Practitioner (and team, if applicable). If possible, students are encouraged to spend more days on site with other doctors. Be sure to leave enough time for Activity 2 and the assignments (see below).
- 4 days: preparation and completion of work in pairs and quartets of students and individually (or less than 4 days, if the 2 students can go to the internship at the same time).
- ½ day: visit, as a duo, of 2 patients at home (activity n°2)
Internship framework, to be consulted on eCampus and agreed with the internship supervisor
Internship supervisor and student consult the "Internship framework" document.
The internship supervisor sets the learning framework well in advance of the internship.
At the start of the placement, he or she takes the time with the student to define the placement timetable, enable the student to carry out a self-assessment and identify the learning resources required to meet the learning needs and defined placement activities. He/she is familiar with the internship activities requested in the internship logbook. Supervises the student, provides feedback and assesses the student. Takes note of the evaluation grid.
In the course of the internship, empowerment of the consulting student is envisaged. The MOH continually provides formative feedback to the student, referring to the learning objectives expected of the student, and to the evaluation criteria.
At the end of the internship, the MOH evaluates the student in the student's presence. He completes the Excel grid.
After the work placement, the student completes the grid on the quality of the work placement.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
The aim of the internship is to enable each student to acquire medical skills, gain a better understanding of the characteristics of the discipline of General Medicine, the functions of the general practitioner, the role of the 1st line of care and the patient's journey from one line of care to the next, within the healthcare system.
The training supervisor will help the students to achieve the objectives and carry out the training activities and tasks.
2 activities during the internship
- activity n°1: accompanying the training supervisor in his or her activities as a General Practitioner
- activity n°2: meeting patients in their own homes on 2 occasions, as a student duo
2 assignments, in pairs and quartets
- task n°1: write an original story about one or more patients illustrating 1 concept (defined during the briefing). To be done by quartet: your group of 2, in collaboration with another pair of students on placement elsewhere (designated at the briefing).
task 2: post on eCampus at least one photo that illustrates the MG for you, and comment on it. One photo by the same quartet: your group of 2, in collaboration with the same pair of students on placement elsewhere
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Before the course, on eCampus :
Watch this video BEFORE the workshop briefing/introduction. It will help you learn more and feel more comfortable in front of the simulated patient during the workshop.
This video presents an ergonomic clinical examination of a patient: from head to toe. In practice, your clinical examination will focus on a specific part of the patient's complaint and your clinical reasoning. Interaction with the patient will also be of great importance in optimizing your data collection, investigation and management of the patient. Make sure you combine clinical examination, clinical reasoning and communication with the patient...
This video will help you remember what you've learned in the introductory workshop of the MEGE1 course.
NB: this video was shot during the covid 19 period, taking the necessary distancing measures at the time. Outside the pandemic period, you'll need to adopt an appropriate attitude and professional communication with the patient.
Communication... how can we help you gain the patient's perspective? An essential step in any consultation!
Reminders from BAC3...
Video testimonials from GPs
How to take a blood pressure: preparation video (optional)
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Activity 0: self-assessment.
This self-assessment (document attached on ecampus) is to be carried out on your own, and then with the help of your internship supervisor, on the first day of your internship.
The aim is to assess your own learning needs, strengths and weaknesses, as well as your internship objectives and the means to achieve them.
The training supervisor will help you in this process, in particular by going through the training logbook, proposing and organizing training conditions and learning situations enabling you to pursue your learning objectives.
The same process is repeated at the end of the internship, to check whether the objectives have been achieved and to consider other perspectives.
This activity is important to establish a match between the student's needs at the time of the internship and the training offer.
Submit the completed appendix on eCampus, like all other assignments.
Only the self-evaluation done at the beginning of the internship should be submitted on eCampus.
Activity no. 1 consists of
- accompanying the internship supervisor in his activities as a general practitioner. You will also interview the GP about his activities.
- You will also perform technical procedures under the supervision of the training supervisor.
To submit an assignment, click on the title "Activity n°1" in eCampus. This will take you to a page where you can upload your file from your computer.
The Department believes it is important to give you constructive feedback on your work and learning. All the work you post will be reread by a General Practitioner validator. He or she will give you formative feedback in relation to the expected objectives, and will validate your work as soon as the objectives have been achieved...
(NB: there's no point in copying and pasting between students, as this will be detected by the validator and, above all, it won't help you learn).
Activity 2:
Visits, in pairs, 2 times, to patients at home (this activity will be discussed during the debriefing day at the university and validated on eCampus by a GP validator).
The training supervisor will ask you to meet, in pairs, 2 times, one or more patients at home (each student will meet patients at home on 2 occasions with a colleague).
Each student completes the form below for a single patient, even if he/she participates in both visits.
Complete the attached document, individually, 1 time and post it on eCampus (.pdf document preferred).
To submit an assignment, click on the title "Activity n°2" above in eCampus. This will take you to a page where you can upload your file from your computer.
The Department believes it is important to give you constructive feedback on your work and learning. All the work you post will be reread by a General Practitioner validator. He or she will give you formative feedback in relation to the expected objectives, and will validate your work as soon as the objectives have been achieved...
(NB: there is no point in copying and pasting between students, as this will be detected by the validator and, above all, will not help you learn).
Task 1: Work to be carried out in 2 duos (2 duos at 2 different training sites) for Job 1 and Job 2.
"Surprise us! : report, in an original way, the story of one or more patients who illustrate a word, a concept ... during the last day back at university, in student quartets. Cf. attached document.
Describe in 2 to 3 lines what you will present on the day back at university. Post these few lines on eCampus.
Your work will be assessed by the course debriefer on the return day, on the basis of the assessment form provided in the "assessment" section.
To summarize
- tell the story of one or more patients, a story that one of you has experienced/seen, to illustrate the word-concept
- link the word-concept to one or more Wonca sheets
- find an original way to present it
- prepare max ½ day
- present for max 4 minutes (in an original way : ) )
Each student will post the assignment they have created together.
To submit an assignment, click on the title "Job °1" above. This will take you to a page where you can upload your file from your computer.
Task 2:
Each post a photo on eCampus (the same one for the quartet) that represents General Medicine for you.
... as a student quartet (2 student duos associated during the internship briefing)
- attached document
To submit an assignment, click on the title "Activity n°2" above. This will take you to a page where you can upload your file from your computer.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Further information:
internship and face-to-face university sessions
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Platform(s) used for course materials:
- eCampus
Further information:
All the information you need for this course can be found on eCampus. eCampus is the only tool for submitting and evaluating work. All references, documents, assignments, etc. can be found on eCampus.
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions ) AND oral exam
Written work / report
Further information:
The MeGe 1 "Introduction to General Medicine" internship will be validated if, on eCampus :
- A) Each student posts the completed activity sheets:
-Activity 1: accompanying the MOH
-Activity 2: home visits to patients, in pairs
Validating" GPs will take note of each of your assignments and give you individual feedback that is intended to be formative, benevolent and encouraging. However, if the objective is not achieved, you may be asked to complete additional work. Keep an eye on your eCampus space. The objective is YOUR learning, to help you progress, to encourage you...
- B) On your last day at the university, you present, in quartets:
-work n°2, and you have previously posted a photo and its caption;
- C) you post the moderator's evaluation of the 2 works, and you get at least 5/10;
- D) you post your supervisor's assessment, and you score at least 10/20.
Your 2 works will be evaluated on the day of their presentation. The quartet will be evaluated together (same rating for all 4) by the session leader.
The criteria used by the facilitator can be found in the workbook.
After your presentation, the facilitator will complete the form (1 form for all 4) and inform you. Ask the presenter for the form and post it on eCampus. This action will be validated by the Department for each individual student.
Ask your coordinator for the evaluation form if he/she doesn't give it to you spontaneously.
If your tutor has not given you the grid and/or your grade for the 2 assignments, he/she will send the grids to the Department and we will forward them to you as soon as possible during the summer, so that they can be integrated into your eCampus space.
The grade for the 2 assignments will be integrated into the overall grade.
To submit an assignment, click on the "Assignment grading" heading above. This will take you to a page where you can upload your file from your computer.
At the end of the course, the Course Manager will complete the evaluation form for each student, in the presence of the student. It is the student's responsibility to submit the evaluation form to the MOH at the end of the internship.
The student will post the completed and signed form (jointly by the MdS and the student) on eCampus. This action will contribute to the validation of the internship
The grade awarded by the supervisor will be included in the overall grade.
To submit an assignment, click on the title "Evaluation form......" above. This will take you to a page where you can upload your file from your computer.
Work placement(s)
The MEGE internship consists of a General Medicine internship and integration and reflexivity activities.
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Take a look at the internship booklet (on eCampus) and the proposed internship calendar.
Please note: the dates in the calendar are illustrative only. Apply the principle of task distribution to the time each student spends on the work placement. In agreement between you and the internship supervisor.
Teachers can be contacted by email at any time by students.
The principles pursued by the General Practitioners teaching in the ULiège Department of General Medicine are as follows, for all students in Master or Master of Specialization programs:
- Students are considered partners. For example, students are regularly asked for their opinions on methods, tools, resources, learning and assessment systems, etc. The Department takes these opinions into account in adapting courses and methods, while respecting learning objectives (skills and goals).
- The Department wishes to encourage and multiply exchanges... between students, between students and teachers, between students and their patients, between students and collaborators...
- The Department is concerned never to lose sight of the fact that future medical students and medical teachers work in a human profession, i.e. a profession involving relationships between people who respect each other. This means that ethical issues will often be tackled, reflected upon and discussed... with respect for all opinions.
- The Department aims to give meaning to all learning. Students must find an interest in the learning process: courses, debates, modules... will very often be based on clinical stories and professional episodes experienced by students in their practice.
- In all areas relating to learning, the Department's principle is to inform and clarify wherever possible (why use a particular method, learning medium, etc.).