2024-2025 / MECA0523-1

Analytical mechanics II

Part A

Part B


Part A : 12h Th, 15h Pr
Part B : 18h Th, 15h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in mathematics6 crédits 
 Bachelor in physics6 crédits 


Part A : Pierre Dauby
Part B : Pierre Dauby


Pierre Dauby

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The Lagrangian formulation of mechanics is intimately connected to the introduction of generalized coordinates which are used to describe the motion of a system of particles (including the solids) by elimination of possible constraints restricting their motions. We first introduce the Lagrange's equations and apply this formalism to several different problems (e.g. study of the symmetric top, known as the Lagrange-Poisson problem). Then, we consider the symmetries of a problem and determine the associated conserved quantities. The Hamilton variational principle is also discussed.

One of the major interests of the Hamiltonian formulation of dynamics comes from the importance of this formalism in the elaboration of modern physical theories such as quantum mechanics or to describe the fundamental interactions between particles. In this part of the course, we derive the Hamilton canonical equations and we discuss the importance of the canonical transformations in order to solve various mechanical problems. The equations of dynamics are also expressed in terms of the Poisson brackets. Several applications are considered. Finally, we present the Hamilton-Jacobi method for solving mechanical problems.

The chapter on special relativity starts with a brief description of the difficulties encountered while attempting to interpret various physical experiments at the end of the XIXth century. We then introduce the Lorentz transformations and the Minkowski space-time. Time dilation and length contraction are discussed and analyzed in depth. The dynamical equations of a particle are also derived in the framework of special relativity.

Part A

The Lagrangian formulation of mechanics is intimately connected to the introduction of generalized coordinates which are used to describe the motion of a system of particles (including the solids) by elimination of possible constraints restricting their motions. We first introduce the Lagrange's equations and apply this formalism to several different problems (e.g. study of the symmetric top, known as the Lagrange-Poisson problem). Then, we consider the symmetries of a problem and determine the associated conserved quantities. The Hamilton variational principle is also discussed.

Part B

One of the major interests of the Hamiltonian formulation of dynamics comes from the importance of this formalism in the elaboration of modern physical theories such as quantum mechanics or to describe the fundamental interactions between particles. In this part of the course, we derive the Hamilton canonical equations and we discuss the importance of the canonical transformations in order to solve various mechanical problems. The equations of dynamics are also expressed in terms of the Poisson brackets. Several applications are considered. Finally, we present the Hamilton-Jacobi method for solving mechanical problems.
The chapter on special relativity starts with a brief description of the difficulties encountered while attempting to interpret various physical experiments at the end of the XIXth century. We then introduce the Lorentz transformations and the Minkowski space-time. Time dilation and length contraction are discussed and analyzed in depth. The dynamical equations of a particle are also derived in the framework of special relativity.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of the course, the students will have understood the physical concepts and principles of lagrangian and hamiltonian mechanics and of special relativity. They will also be able to solve problems related to these subjects.

Part A

At the end of the course, the students will have understood the physical concepts and principles of lagrangian mechanics. They will also be able to solve problems related to this subject.

Part B

At the end of the course, the students will have understood the physical concepts and principles of hamiltonian mechanics and of special relativity. They will also be able to solve problems related to these subjects.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

It is assumed that the course Analytical Mechanics I is familiar to the students.

Part A

It is assumed that the course Analytical Mechanics I is familiar to the students.

Part B

It is assumed that the course Analytical Mechanics I and the course MECA0523-A-a are familiar to the students.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The theoretical part of the course is presented as lectures. Practical work sessions are also devoted to solving problems and making exercices.

Part A

The theoretical part of the course is presented as lectures. Practical work sessions are also devoted to solving problems and making exercices.

Part B

See MECA0523-A-a.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face-to-face teaching (except in the case of problems related to the pandemic).

Part A

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face-to-face teaching (except in the case of problems related to the pandemic).

Part B

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

See MECA0523-A-a.

Recommended or required readings

Notes and slides (in French) can be downloaded from eCampus. A printed version of the notes can also be provided on demand.

Part A

Notes and slides (in French) can be downloaded from eCampus. A printed version of the notes can also be provided on demand.

Part B

See MECA0523-A-a.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam

Additional information:

Written exam.

Part A

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam

Additional information:

Written exam.

Part B

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam

Additional information:

See MECA0523-A-a.

Work placement(s)


Part A


Part B

See MECA0523-A-a.

Organizational remarks

Practical details will be provided on eCampus.

Part A

Practical details will be provided on eCampus.

Part B

See MECA0523-A-a.


  • Pierre C. DAUBY, Professeur
    Institut de Physique (local 2/57), Bât. B5a, Allée du 6 août 19, B-4000 Liège 
    Tel.: 04/366.23.57
    E-mail: PC.Dauby@uliege.be
  • Guillaume SICORELLO, research and teaching assistant,,
    email: guillaume.sicorello@uliege.be 

Part A

  • Pierre C. DAUBY, Professeur
    Institut de Physique (local 2/57), Bât. B5a, Allée du 6 août 19, B-4000 Liège 
    Tel.: 04/366.23.57
    E-mail: PC.Dauby@uliege.be
  • Guillaume SICORELLO, research and teaching assistant,,
    email: guillaume.sicorello@uliege.be

Part B

See MECA0523-A-a.

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