2024-2025 / HULG9198-1

Heritage and Landscape


36h Th

Number of credits

 Master in landscape architect, professional focus3 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course is composed of  two parts wich developments may evolve from one year to another. 

Part One: built cultural heritage
1.1. Preserving heritage: definition - inventories - concept of authenticity - value of usage - integrated conservation.
1.2. Evolution of the concept of conservation and the concept of restoration: stylistic restoration - philological restoration - critical restoration - restoration "à l'identique".
1.3. International charters and conventions:
- the Charter of Venice, 1964
- UNESCO Convention on World Heritage, 1972
- Resolution 76/28 of the Council of Europe, 1976
- Nara Document on authenticity, 1994

1.4. Architectural creation and heritage

1.5. Integrated contemporary architectures. 

Part Two: gardens, sites and landscapes
1. International charters and conventions: - Charter of Florence, 1981: analysis and development of different approaches to the concepts of conserving, restoring and restituing of historical parcs and gardens ;
- Declaration of Arnhem, 1999
- European Landscape Convention, 2000
- Déclaration of Canberra on Urban Historic Public Parks (UHPP), 2015

- Document on rural landscapes as heritage. 

2. Garden inventories: France - GB - Belgium (Flanders/Wallonia).

3. Intervention techniques for historical parks and gardens: investigations and preliminary studies to restoration.

3.1. Fields concerned by preliminary studies (multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approachs);
3.2. Preliminary studies in historic gardens 
3.3. Management plans : définition and study cases (belgium/France).

Useful addresses
Bibliography and webography

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Objectives: at the end of the course the student must be able to : 

- Present an understanding of the concepts of built and non-built héritage (individual monuments and groups - gardens, sites and landscapes) and define their specific characteristics, their different values and criteria of interest in a protection's point of view ;
- Draw upon charters and legal texts to examine fundamental notions relating to concepts of conservation and restoration of heritage (built and non-built) ;
- Understand the extent of different legal and administrative protections in terms of the Walloon Region, Belgium, Europe and the world (Unesco).
- Make a critical analysis of the different values associated and beared by built and non-built types of heritages in the context of a cultural multidisciplinary and pluridisciplinary approach.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Knowledge of Gardens and landscape's History (bloc 3 course).

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Theory classes with illustrations : slides, diaporames and PowerPoint.
Visits to monuments, sites and historical gardens.

Visit to the Center for Heritage restoration of La Paix-Dieu in Amay (AWaP).

Consultation of preliminary restoration studies.

When the occasion arrises, participation at seminaries or study days concerning the conservation and restoration of cultural héritage, for exemple

Thematic study day on the history and future of the Castlle and gardens of Freÿr-sur-Meuse organised by the Roi Baudouin Foundation (annual, in Freÿr, october).



Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:


Intervention of speakers or experts. 

Participation to activities on site followed by reflexif work, in particular :

- the study day at the castle of Freÿr-sur-Meuse (23/10/2020) organized by the King Baudouin Foundation (annual, in Freÿr, october).
- Visit to the Centre des Métiers du Patrimoine "La Paix-Dieu" in Amay with an exhibition on the missions of the Walloon Heritage Agency (AWaP).
- Guided visits to monuments, sites and and historic gardens .

Syllabus and course notes
Sources and references (see bibliography annexed to the syllabus)
Essential reading CHOAY F., L'allégorie du patrimoine, Paris, Seuil, 1992. DE HARLEZ DE DEULIN N. (dir.), Inventaire des parcs et jardins historiques de Wallonie, 9 vol., MRW, IPW, 1992-2008 (Themed inventories). DE HARLEZ DE DEULIN N., Parcs et jardins historiques de Wallonie, IPW, 2008 (Heritage of Wallonia). FELTZ Cl. (dir.), Les territoires paysagers de Wallonie, Namur, 2004 (Etudes et Documents, CPDT, 4). Le Patrimoine monumental de la Belgique. Wallonie, Liège, P. Mardaga, 1972-1997. Monumental, revue scientifique et technique des monuments historiques, Monum, Ed. du Patrimoine (annual). PEROUSE DE MONTCLOS J.M., Architecture. Méthode et vocabulaire, Paris, 1972 (Principles of scientific analysis).

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

Oral examination

Thoughting work (individual or in groups) in the framework of the Research project Bio/Pat. : "Study of the biodiversity in historic park and gardens" : analysis of the heritage values combined with an approache of the actual and potential biodiversity, identification of actions already set up and  propositions to enhance the écological values of the park in the respect of the historic caracters of the place.

Criteria : See Learning outcomes

An exam mark of 10/20 (written work + exam) is needed for the success of the student (1rst session).

The exercice is not improvable between two sessions.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Courses, visits on sites, conferences and/or study days dealing with patrimonial concerns in landscaped sites, historical parks and gardens. 


Nathalie de Harlez de Deulin ndeharlezdedeulin@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Study Day in the Gardens of Freÿr
Study day organised by the KBS/FRB on the subjetct : maintain and transmit the spirit and the signification of historic gardens in their built and vegetal  dimensions

Study Day in the Moulins de Beez 30.11.2023
Program of the stydy Day 

Heritage and landscape : first part : builded héritage
Partie 1 : Syllabus and présentations

Heritage and Landscape - partie 1 : gardens, sites and landscapes
Presentations, notes, syllabus