2024-2025 / HMEM0005-1

Final thesis


Number of credits

 Master in human resource management, professional focus in management (Gestion)16 crédits 
 Master in human resource management, professional focus in HR policy and management16 crédits 




Christophe Dubois

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The thesis should present as clearly as possible the following elements:

  • defining a topic and an initial question, which should be understood as defining types of information on which the analysis depends;
  • formulating a problem starting from a review of the issue being considered and fitting within a theoretical framework. Using a theoretical framework presumes using concepts which are desirable for giving an ad hoc definition or referring to the work and publications of other authors;
  • using a method depends on the specificity of the topic to be dealt with or the conceptual frame of reference;
  • stating one or more hypotheses for which a demonstration will be required to validate or invalidate the relevance;
  • analysing the material and presenting the results which the student considers having reached in concluding his work and the possible extensions and outlooks.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The thesis is the work showing the student's capacity, on finishing the master's in employment sciences, to successfully perform rigorous personal research. Rather than reproducing knowledge transmitted by the instructors, the student will be expected to produce new knowledge on a limited subject using the knowledge, competencies and methods acquired during the studies.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Without substituting for the promoter's support, a seminar to accompany the thesis has been scheduled to answer the student's questions. This seminar will be held once a month at least.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)


Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

The thesis is assessed by a jury of at least three members, comprising the promoter (who must be a member of the institute of human and social sciences - Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales) and two readers. It is validated for 16 ECTS, which is equivalent to 30% of the overall grade for the year.
The student will thus be assessed, depending on the topic and methods he or she has chosen, on his/her capacity to:

  • provide a clear explanation of a problem (clear and relevant question) and hypotheses;
  • carry out bibliographic and literature research ;
  • collect relevant information on his or her topic using an appropriate methodology (interviews, "focus group", observation, literature research, etc.);
  • structure the information gathered in a line of argument that confirms or rebuts the hypotheses and draw conclusions therefrom.
The student should show his or her capacity to draft a text clearly and free of gramatical or orthographic errors. The quotes must be rigorously referenced as must anything borrowed or any references to authors (see below). The bibliography must be coherent and homogeneous. Layout must respect the guidelines provided.

Work placement(s)


Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

A thesis file must be submitted to the Faculty's main secretariat every new academic year for approval of the subject and of the jury by the Faculty Council and this even for a student who is retaking a year and for whom the subject and the jury have previously been approved. A thesis is not admissible if the student has not submitted the file by the deadlines provided.

Dates for submission of the thesis file fand for the submission of thesis: 




Association of one or more MOOCs