2024-2025 / GRBE9275-1

Specific legislation on ergonomics and physical factors


30h Th

Number of credits

 Advanced Master in Risk Management and Well-Being in the Workplace3 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

  • Legislation and standards: overview of ergonomics in the Welfare Act and Code and quick collection and presentation of specific ergonomics standards. Since ergonomics consists of adapting the working situation to the human being in all its aspects, many legal texts, in addition to those traditionally devoted to MSDs (handling and working with screens), are concerned: noise, vibrations, psycho-social aspects, work equipment, etc. It is therefore useful to refresh students with this global approach and that the details of the texts will be studied by the MSC professors in charge of these subjects. Legislative and normative knowledge is indeed a transversal competence in all MSC courses. The evolution of European and Belgian legislation will also be mentioned.
  • Physical load of the work station: the other two days will be devoted to physical factors (noise, vibrations, thermal ambiences and lighting): definitions, legislation, prevention, effects, etc.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

To have an overview of existing legislation and standards in the field of ergonomics.
To have a lesson on the physical load of the work station (as defined in Annex II.4-5 of the Welfare Code on the training of CP ergonomists): noise, vibrations, thermal environments and lighting. The future ergonomist student will become a specialist in these topics by providing assistance and recommendations to companies in the context of prevention. He or she must therefore be familiar with all the basic theoretical and practical principles as well as the legislations related to each of these physical elements.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Understanding of the legislation on well being at work: law and code of well being.
Course GRBE0001-1 of the basic multidisciplinary training must have been taken.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Presentation of various concepts with students' participation through questions, through different problems, by asking them to resolve some exercices, by exchanging practical examples...

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

In the event of a rebound in the health crisis: Virtual teaching via the Teams software: learning theoretical notions and virtual tour de table after each notion taught to see if the student has understood the subject.

The copy of the slides is sufficient for the learning process. Reading the SOBANE booklets on physical agents, including the information sheets in these booklets, can help students in their education. It is not essential but recommended if the student has any difficulties during the course. These SOBANE brochures are additional to the slides and can be used as course notes.

Written Examination
In the event of a rebound from the health crisis: Distance learning exam: answering a series of questions in a limited time, the student shares his screen with the teacher. Duration of 1 hour per exam. Given the limited number of students, it is possible to do it separately for each student. Assessment topic: Mainly the topic seen on physical agents

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

In the event of a rebound from the health crisis: Theoretical notions will be seen but distance learning will limit the exchange of practice...


Alain Piette, Ergonome Européen (Eur.Erg.) SPF Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale DG Humanisation du travail Rue E. Blerot 1, 1070 Bruxelles Tél: +32 (0) 2 233 46 28 GSM +32 (0) 475 80 29 20 email: alain.piette@emploi.belgique.be

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