2024-2025 / GEST3766-1

Project and Change Management


18h Th, 100h AUTR

Number of credits

 Master in management, professional focus in Intrapreneurship and Management of Innovation Projects6 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in Intrapreneurship and Management of Innovation Projects6 crédits 


Olivier Lisein, Michaël Parmentier

Language(s) of instruction

English language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course aims to provide students enrolled in the Master "Intrapreneurship and Management of Innovation Projects" with the critical mind and methodological tools needed to manage their innovation project and to manage the changes it induces. After an examination of the most frequent project management techniques, methodologies, and tools (defining the content and objectives of an innovation project, analyzeing the risks, designing an action plan, phasing the process, working out a Gantt chart, etc.), the course focuses on the human aspects associated with any change projects (positions and interests of stakeholders directly and indirectly affected by the change project, possible resistance, unexpected reactions, etc.) as well as on the methodologies to better anticipate and manage these aspects. In this regard, the course intends to go beyond the usual recommendations of the literature in management (clarity of communication, suggestion box, training, user support, etc.) and proposes the adoption of a polyphonic management style, following principles introduced in previous courses in change management. The course intends to present in detail the polyphonic management style through its main stages (contextualizing, problematizing, enrollment, convergence, extension) and to equip students with the right tools so that they can apply the precepts in the concrete management of their innovation project.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

In line with the general objectives of the Masters in Business Engineering and in Management Sciences, the main objectives of the course are:
- Deepen the transversal issues (strategic, organizational, human, technological, etc.) of any innovation projects
- Give students the analytical and reflexive perspective necessary to manage a large-scale innovation project
- Transpose the theoretical knowledge to the specific case of an innovation project managed in an enterprise
- Manage effectively, and through rigorous methodologies of project management and change management, concrete innovation projects
- Develop critical thinking of students, especially in situations of "power games" likely to emerge around an innovation project managed for a company
- Demonstrate creativity and ingenuity in solving difficulties and problems encountered in the management of a concrete innovation project implemented within a company
- Develop the students' professional communication skills (written and oral)
- Develop the students' capacity to work in a multidisciplinary team
- Make the students adopt the position of specialists in the field of intrapreneurship and in the management of innovation projects

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

General knowledge in "Project Management" and "Change Management"

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

In addition to preparatory readings for some course sessions, the work required is twofold:
- Exercises conducted as part of the course: case studies, application of methodologies to real or fictitious cases, etc.
- Transposition of the acquis of the course to the concrete innovation project managed by the students for a specific enterprise

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

The course is based on a participatory methodology giving students an active role in the development and direction of the course. It combines different approaches that will enable students to identify the main challenges and issues of project management and change management as well as to transpose them in the particular case of the innovation project the students personally manage for a company: reading sessions, written and video case studies, exchanges of experiences, discussion of directions to favor to manage the specific process of each project and to solve any difficulties encountered, etc. Part of the course is devoted to monitoring and coaching students in the management of their specific innovation project.

Documents available on the online platform, Lol@: http://lola.hec.ulg.ac.be

Required book: PICHAULT, F., CASTRO, J.-L. & CHEVALIER, F. (2022), Towards a Polyphonic Approach to Change Management, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

- Continuous assessment of intermediate exercises asked during the different thematic course sessions: 10% of the final grade
- Evaluation of the transposition of the concepts of the course to the effective management of the concrete innovation project implemented within a specific enterprise, based on the reports requested in this context:
* assignment #1 ("project management"): design of an action plan to conduct the implementation of the innovation project within the host enterprise (individual report): 40% of the final grade
* assignment #2 ("change management"): comparative analysis of the change management approaches (issues, challenges, difficulties, solutions, etc.) favored in 3 different business contexts (report to be written by groups of 3 students): 50% of the final grade
- Relative weight of the individual evaluation: 40%

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Olivier LISEIN

HEC Management School, University of Liege

Bâtiment N1d / LENTIC

Tél.: +32 4 366 30 70

E-Mail: O.Lisein@uliege.be


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