2024-2025 / GERE0023-1

Spatial analysis, organisation of grounds in the landscape and preservation of grounds


23h Th, 23h Pr, 8h FT

Number of credits

 Master in forests and natural areas engineering, professional focus6 crédits 



Aurore Degré

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course deals with the management of agricultural watersheds with an objective of soil and water conservation. It gives theoritical basis as well as practical application on real case study. In this application they will have to quantify the hydrology and soil losses and to propose and assess mitigation measures.
The course includes Erosion processes Hydric erosion processes Field measurements of erosion Erosion modelling Soil and water conservation technics Basics of spatial modelling using GIS applied to soil conservation. A field application is proposed. The students work in group of 4-5.
Furthermore, the course will deal with the soil physico-chemical analyses, the principles of distribution and analysis of soil in the landscape and soil cartography. This part will be organized as follow:
- Ecosystemic soil functions in the landscape
- Soil physico-chemical analyses
- Soil distribution in the landscape
- Soil classification
- Geographical information system about soils
- Pedoclimate concept
Finally, the third part of the course covers the questions of data exploratory analysis, spatial analysis of soil properties, and interpolation techniques.
These concepts will be teached during lectures, practical exercises on PC and field trips.
A field work by groups will conclude the formation.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

After completing the course, the student will have progressed on the following situations :
- optimizing and managing the flows between water, soil, fauna, flora and atmosphere
- conceiving and managing environmental data bases and/or geographical data bases; developping interpretation tools, mapping tools, and modelling tools
The course certifies the ability of the students to "conceive land planning and management projects in view to manage and protect ecosystems at various spatial scales".
Particularly, at the end of the course, the student will be able to - recognize the different erosion processes - quantify erosion risks - mesure and model soil loss - propose an ensemble of conservation measures in order to limit soil losses and/or damages at the catchment's outlet.
The student will be also able to:
- illustrate in the field regional pedogenic features and soil-plant / soil-society relationship
-comment soil in landscape
- do a geomophorphological and pedological characterization of a landscape and comment agroenvironmental and lanscape features
- make the basis  of regional geographical information system about soils

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

General Hydrology
GIS Evaluation of soil quality Soil science Pedogenesis, Soil classification and soil hydrodynamic

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

lectures manipulations on computers field visits oral presentations

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

face to face and group work

Slides shows, documents and reference papers are available on eCampus

Written work / report

Additional information:

evaluation on the basis of the student's attendance to lectures, practical work and field trips and on the basis of a group report and presentation potentially including individual interview.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

It is compulsory to attend field visits and workshops.


Aurore Degré
Gilles Colinet
Jeroen Meersmans

Association of one or more MOOCs