2024-2025 / GEOG2038-1

Roadway and diverse networks


5h Th, 15h Pr, 40h Proj.

Number of credits

 Master in geography: geomatics, professional focus in land surveyor5 crédits 


Pierre Archambeau, Frédéric Collin, N...


Roland Billen

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course first deals with the theoretical aspects of the design of computer-aided road and network projects. Then, the course slides towards the presentation of the project to be realized while maintaining the link with the theory. After these introductions, the students will develop their own project, individually. During the sessions devoted to the realization of this project, some practical work sessions, linked to the introductory courses on Partim A geotechnics (GCIV 0620-2) and urban and environmental hydraulics (GCIV 0621-1), will be intertwined. These sessions will develop the specific aspects of the project related to these subjects. Thus, students will be led to develop from one end to the other the technical part of an urbanization project. The objective is to bring the student to integrate the knowledge acquired during different theoretical courses and to use them jointly within the same project.
This project will be globally approached in this project: - The drawing and design of roads in 3D. - The calculation of the volumes of the different elements to be implemented. - The nature of soils and their mechanical properties - The possibilities of reusing the elements to be evacuated on the building site, with or without treatment. - The calculation of the rainwater drainage and drainage network, based on the preliminary design of the plots and their destination, the roads and the different surfaces more or less waterproofed.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of his learning, the student will be able to carry out the study of an urbanization project, from a technical point of view. In addition, he will learn to cross the skills acquired in different courses in order to ensure the overall study of the project. Thus, we wish to show the student that learning is not compartmentalized and this, through a simulation that will force him to use all of his skills.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The courses mentioned above are corequisites as they are combined with the course at the practical session level. A correct background in basic mathematics may be necessary to apprehend the different aspects of calculation of the project. In particular 3D geometry and mathematical aspects related to the understanding of the corequisite courses. A good knowledge of Autocad is necessary, a series of videos including a basic training in the use of this software will be present on e-campus. However, a good knowledge of another computer-aided design tool can be a plus, or constitute a base of basic skills that can be put to good use in the learning of the chosen software.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The 5 hours of theory will be divided into 3 sessions including theoretical notions and their application. The 40 hours of project work will be, as mentioned above, interspersed with the 15 hours of practical work.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

As the theory is enhanced by practical examples which, like the project, are to be carried out on a specific software, the teaching will be face-to-face only. However, some knowledge to be acquired prior to the course can be the subject of online training (training by podcasts, online exercises ...). For the realization of the project, the work in autonomy will be favored, a reference person will always remain at the disposal of the student to overcome a blockage or a question.

The course notes consist of an illustrated slideshow of the main functions to be used in the project. This will be completed by the use of the software and by the various theoretical skills acquired in other courses.
In addition, the teacher will facilitate access to data from the road research center.
The detailed statement of the project to be carried out will also be provided to the students.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

Assessment based on participation in the course and the quality of the work submitted (report and computer files) as well as on the oral defence of the work

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Each student will be evaluated individually on the basis of a report and files related to the project he or she has completed. In addition, the student will be asked to make a brief presentation of his or her project in front of the teachers concerned. This presentation aims to allow the student to defend his technical and urban planning choices as well as to develop and illustrate the direction he wanted to give to the project. As the course is mainly based on a project, the criteria mentioned above will be used as an evaluation. Indeed, given the particular organizational character, it is not possible to organize an exam. Therefore, no partial exemption can be granted.


Prof. Roland Billen 043663637 / Assitant Benoît Jonlet 043665751
Prof. Frédéric Collin 043669142
Prof. Pierre Archambeau 043669291

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