2024-2025 / GEOG2021-1

Urban territories: diagnoses and planning

Géographie urbaine : principes et enjeux

Localisation des activités économiques



Géographie urbaine : principes et enjeux : 25h Th
Localisation des activités économiques : 25h Th
Terrain : 30h Pr, 5d FW

Number of credits

 Bachelor in geography : general10 crédits 


Géographie urbaine : principes et enjeux : Jean-Marie Halleux
Localisation des activités économiques : Guénaël Devillet
Terrain : Guénaël Devillet, Jean-Marie Halleux


Jean-Marie Halleux

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course encompass:
- 50 hours of theoretical courses (1st quadrimester);
- 30 hours of both, practicals and individual and collective follow-up sessions (2nd quadrimester) ;
- an integrated fieldwork in a European city (2nd quadrimester).
Theoretical courses cover two main themes: urban geography (25h - J.-M. Halleux) and location of economic activities (25h - G. Devillet).
The contents of the course focus on issues related to the local and regional levels in urban areas. They are complementary to the "Geographical dynamics of contemporary global issues" courses enrolled in the program of block 1 and focused on the global scale.
The lectures on urban geography incorporate the following chapters:

  • Introduction to urban geography
  • The statistical definitions of the urban world
  • Socio-economy of the urban spaces
  • Introduction to urban planning
  • The organisation of urban spaces
  • Urban networks
  • Suburbanisation and urban sprawl
  • The urbanisation in the global south
The lectures on the location of economic activities incorporate the following chapters:

  • The location of economic activities: the secondary and the tertiary sectors
  • Spatial distribution, recent mutations and methods of analysis
  • The operational methods of a location choice
  • Retailing, public services, tourism and services to firms
Practicals are organized as follows (30h):

  • Urban diagnosis: development of a methodology (H. Maldague)
  • Mapping of urban spaces and the chorematic approach (H. Maldague)
  • Urban morphology and urban landscape (H. Maldague)
  • Data sources to develop an urban diagnosis (H. Maldague)
  • Socio-economic cartography in relation to urban diagnosis (H. Maldague)
  • Retailing field survey and socio-economic urban dynamics (H. Maldague)
  • Shift and share analysis (H. Maldague)
  • Diversity of urban stakeholders and urban governance (H. Maldague)
  • Individual and collective follow-up sessions (H. Maldague)

Géographie urbaine : principes et enjeux


Localisation des activités économiques

(1) The location of economic activities, as well as the secondary sector and the tertiary sector.
(2) The measure of spatial distributions, recent trends in location changes, various methods of analysis as well as the operational methods of location choices.
(3) The retail, public services, tourism and services to firms.


See : https://www.programmes.uliege.be/cocoon/20192020/cours/GEOG2021-1.html

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The learning outcomes related to the lectures on urban geography are the following:
- give future geographers the key concepts and approaches of urban geography
- provide the ability to use those knowledges in relation to the main urban issues (planning, socio-economic development, segregation...)
- to develop an analysis aiming to stimulate critical thinking and civic-mindedness
The learning outcomes related to the lectures on the location of economic activities are the following:
- to mobilize theoretical knowledges to observe, describe and explain the spatio-temporal dynamics of the economic activities
- To solve complex problems linked to the location of economic activities on the basis of methodologies developed during the course
- To stimulate critical thinking and civic-mindedness in relation to the issue of economic activity location (delocalization, territorial dualisation, industrial policies, urban policies...)
The learning outcomes related to the practicals and to the fieldwork are the following:
- to describe, apprehend, analyse and explain the multiscalar spatial organization of a city on the basis of field observations;
- to understand the spatiotemporal variations of urban phenomena and describe them using the specialized vocabulary;
- to articulate general urban issues with local observations;
- to search, collect, process and represent statistical, historical and geographical data;
- to criticize sources, data, reasoning, information and representations;
- to produce a written summary of an urban diagnosis and to communicate it orally using the techniques and appropriate presentation documents.

Localisation des activités économiques

The first objective of the course is to provide the theoretical knowledge of urban geography and the major principles and theories related to the issue of economic activity location (for both industries and services).
The objective of the course is also to learn how to use that knowledge in order to improve their competencies in the analysis of main urban issues (planning, development, segregation...).  
The aim of the course is also to initiate the future geographers with the major principles and theories related with the issue of economic activity location (for both industries and services). The aim of the course is also to prepare the students to solve concrete location problems encountered as well by the companies as by the planners and the development agencies.
The course must also allow the students to reframe the policy debates in the field of economic activities: delocalisation, territorial dualisation (wining regions versus losing regions), industrial policy (poles of competitiveness, clusters...).

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

GEOG2014-1: Geographical dynamics of contemporary global issues

Localisation des activités économiques

Geographical dynamics of contemporary global issues (GEOG2014-1)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course encompass:
- 50 hours of theoretical courses (1st quadrimestre);
- 30 hours of both, practicals and individual and collective follow-up sessions (2nd quadrimestre);
- an integrated fieldwork in a European city (2nd quadrimestre).

Localisation des activités économiques

Lectures with the professor : mixt of presentations and exchanges on both, the main theories of economic geography and the issue of urban territories.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

The practical work sessions are mandatory. The evaluation is conducted on the basis of both, an oral presentation and a written report which details the urban diagnostic. Expected documents are described in the guide document distributed to students at the beginning of the second quadrimester..
The fieldwork is organized in a European city. Participation to this trip is mandatory.

Localisation des activités économiques


Recommended or required readings

Documents available on MyULiège: slide presentations and scientific publications related to the contents of the theoretical courses.
The practical work and the study visit are related to a separate guide document.

Localisation des activités économiques

Presentations, bibliography, scientific articles and various illustrations available on MyULg.
Textbooks : Mérenne-Schoumaker, La localisation des industries. Enjeux et dynamiques, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Didact Géographie, 2011.
Mérenne-Schoumaker, Géographie des services et des commerces, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Didact Géographie, 2008.


Assessment methods and criteria

The theoretical course evaluations represent 50% of the final grade of the teaching unit. They are distributed as follows: 25% for the courses related to urban geography and 25% for the courses related to the location of economic activities. Two oral exams are organized: one for urban geography and one for the location of economic activities.
Assessments related to the practicals and to the fieldwork represent 50% of the final grade of the teaching unit. The overall rating for practicals and fieldwork is calculated as follows:
- 15% for the preparation of a geographical guided tour of an urban neighborhood;
- 20% for the collective oral presentation of the urban diagnosis;
- 65% for an individual written report on the urban diagnosis.
Each assessment criteria are specified in the guide document distributed to the students during the first class.
The course is successful if the overall rating is equal to or greater than 10/20 and if the two parts of the course (theory and practice) have a rating equal to or greater than 10/20. If one of these two conditions is not met, the overall maximum rating of the teaching unit is 9/20.
For the second session, the overall rating for practicals is only calculated on the basis of the individual written report of urban diagnosis.

Localisation des activités économiques

Oral exam on the lectures in 20 minutes (with a 20 minutes written preparation)

Work placement(s)

Organizational remarks

The course is given throughout the whole year. The theoretical courses of J.-M. Halleux are held during the first semester. The theortical courses of G. Devillet as well as the practical sessions and the study visit are organized during the second term. The detailed schedule will be specified during the first class of each term.
Participation in the practical sessions and the study visit is mandatory.
The language of the course is French.


Lecturers: G. Devillet, J.-M. Halleux
In charge of the practicals: H. Maldague, G. Devillet
In charge of the fieldwork: H. Maldague, G. Devillet

Localisation des activités économiques

Guénaël Devillet, Institut de Géographie, Sart-Tilman, B11 - 4000 Liège Phone : 04/366 5554  e-mail : g.devillet@uliege.be

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