2024-2025 / ENVT0044-1

Current environmental issues : project


10h Th, 4h Pr, 3h AUTR

Number of credits

 Bachelor in bioengineering2 crédits 


Catherine Colaux

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This course will be performed in several steps :
* Step 1 : Introductory presentation of the topic examined in this course by an expert in the field. Practical information (Timing, Objectives, Evaluation, ...) will be presented during this session.
*Step 2 : During the 2 weeks of "Knowledge Reactivation", in groups of 35 students, you will participate in different training :
- Research on the Internet
- Utilisation of the e-learning platform
- utilisation of Google Drive (Wiki)
- Utilisation of Diigo (Social Bookmarking Service)
- Meeting concerning the first approach of the team work.
*Step 3 (3 weeks) : Collaborative construction of an e-bibliography with the help of Diigo & collaborative writing of 3 questions related to the topic.
For each of these 3 questions, respect the following constraints :
- It must be related to the selected environmental topic
- It mus be related to at least one of the scientific disciplines taught in BAC1 (Maths, Chemistry, Physical, Botany, Zoology or Cellular biology)
Each question will be associated to at least 2 relevant references selected through Diigo.
* Step 4 : Selection of three questions among those sent by the different groups. This selection is achieved by consensus among the professors.
*Step 5 : Presentation of 6-7 lectures (1h00) given by your professors. During those lectures, the professors will provide relevant information to answer selected questions.
Please note that one lecture will not necessarily be limited to answering a single question !
It's your job to locate the relevant information necessary to properly answer the selected questions.
* Step 6 : Collaborative writing of answers to the selected questions by using a Wiki.
You have, all together, to draw up a comprehensive and coherent text from elements collected during the different lectures.
Special attention will be devoted to those written productions. They have to be written in a correct language !
An individual report on your experience of team work at distance will be asked.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this course, the student will be able to :

- Use new computer tools (Diigo, Google Drive(Wiki), Jamboard)

- Access relevant scientific information on the Internet autonomously.

- Identify, index and synthesize the suitable source of information by highlighting the main relevant elements

- Write a scientific text from different sources of information.

- Work in groups, analyze the dynamics set up during this work (debate, consensus, conflict management,...)

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

No pre-requisites

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

- 2 working sessions of 2h with computer exercises :
* How to carry out efficient research on the Internet ?
* How to use Diigo ?
* How to use Wiki on Google Drive ?
- Collaborative construction of the e-bibliography using Diigo. Group telework supervised by a tutor.
- Collaborative writing of answers (Group telework) through a wiki (Google Drive). Work supervised by a tutor.
- Session to schedule the group telework.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

This course combines classroom sessions and telework.
* Step 1 : 2h classroom session
* Step 2 : 2 classroom sessions of 2 h (Groups of 35 students) + 1 classroom session of 3h (Groups of 6 students + tutor).
* Step 3 : Telework supervised by a tutor (4 weeks).
* Step 4 : Selection of questions by the professors
* Step 5 : 6-7 lectures of 1h00 given by professor during 3 weeks.
* Step 6 : Telework supervised by a tutor (5 weeks) + A face-to-face meeting with the tutor to plan the end of the homeworks tasks

The recorded lectures will be made available on the e-Campus.

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

This course is not associated with a classical examination. It's an ongoing assessment. Some ratings are collective others are individual.
The overall rating will be constructed as follows :
1. Collaborative construction of an e-bibliography and writing of 3 questions (30/100) :
Collective rating ** :
- Validity of the question (Observance of the instructions)
- relevance of the question
- Originality of the question
- Validity of the associated e-bibliography
Individual rating * :
Evaluation of the personal involvement in the team work.
2. Collaborative drawing up of the 3 answers (50/100)
Collective rating * :
- Validity of the answer
- Seamless integration of the different concepts and information
- Grammatical, typographic and syntactical correction
- Efficiency of the collaborative teleworking
Individual rating ** :
Evaluation of the personal involvement in the team work.
3. Individual report is based on your experience in team telework (20/100) : Evaluation of the writing skills of the student and his ability to analyze this first teamwork experience.
* The individual rating is a peer evaluation. The grade of a student that doesn't evaluate his colleagues will be halved.
** If the student's individual grade < 3/20 then the collective grade will be halved only for this student. An individual grade of zero void automatically the collective grade for this student. A copy with more than 10 spelling mistakes will lose a third of its grade.
June exam period
The student has to realize the same teamwork but on a new subject
August exam period
Any evaluation of this course should be planned during this exam period

Work placement(s)


Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

This course is based on group working. It's essential to ensure the efficiency of your work to organize your team ! There is a lot of liberty but you have to manage it to succeed !


Course coordinator :
Catherine Colaux
Tel. (+)

Association of one or more MOOCs