2024-2025 / EDPH0638-1

Field applications of the intervention in physical and sport activities (Part I)


100h Internship

Number of credits

 Bachelor in motor sciences5 crédits 


Boris Jidovtseff, Alexandre Mouton, Catherine Theunissen

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Students have to involve themselves in sport activities where they will be in charge of several groups. These experiences are dealing with the development of their professional experience and to the use of the theoretical knowledge in a field context.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

To provide professional experience to students and help them to discover the different fields of professional activities in order to facilitate their future choice of the orientation in master programme.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Students have to exploit the knowledge and competencies that they acquired since the beginning of their programm, in order to anchor their intervention on an theoretical support allowing them to increase their effectiveness. Personal experience of each student could be a positive aspect.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Activity on the field with individualized follow-up.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

These field applications must contain: (1) four indivisible blocks (25 hours in school setting, 25 hours in coaching, 15 hours in sport management context, 15 hours in sport and health field), and (2) one divisible block of 20 hours corresponding to punctual activities proposed to students by the Department of Sport Sciences.

Organisation of this course is described during the first session of the practical sports courses. A written document is available on myULiege.

Written work / report

Additional information:

For each internship, the assessment focuses on the quality of the report prepared by the student and is also based on the expert opinion of the contact person.

If a negative opinion is given by the internship supervisor and/or one of the supervisors, the block concerned may be cancelled in whole or in part, after mediation by the coordinator. A student who did not perform the required number of internships would be directly postponed. Any failure to comply with the administrative instructions is sanctioned and may lead to the cancellation of a service or even the adjournment of the student.

To be successful, the student must achieve a score of 10 or more in ALL blocks of the annual program. If this is the case, the overall score is calculated on the basis of the arithmetic mean. A maximum of 2 points of inadequacies will be tolerated provided that the overall average is greater than or equal to 12/20.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Any modification of the organization or the content of this course will be described during the first session.


Catherine THEUNISSEN, Pedagogical coordinator (04/366.38.98 - ctheunissen@ulg.ac.be)

Alexandre MOUTON, Chargé de cours (04/366.38.96 - Alexandre.Mouton@ulg.ac.be)

Boris JIDOVTSEFF, Professor (04/366.38.94 - b.jidovtseff@uliege.be)

Institut Supérieur d'Education Physique et de Kinésithérapie - Bât. B21, Allée des Sports, 4, 400 Liège

Personnel scientifique:
Gilles DUBRU, Assistant (04/366.38.98 - Gilles.Dubru@uliege.be)

Jean-Pierre WEERTS, Assistant (04/366.38.23 - jpweerts@uliege.be)

Maurine REMACLE, Assistante (04/366.39.33 - maurine.remacle@uliege.be)

Edwin MATHEï, Assistant (Edwin.Mathei@uliege.be)

Florence DE Cock, Assistante (fdecock@uliege.be)

Des superviseurs (extérieurs à l'ULiège) sont également impliqués dans l'encadrement des étudiants.

Tél. : 04/366.38.91
Fax : 04/366.29.01
E-mail : nelgara@uliege.be

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