2024-2025 / DROI8041-3

Property law

Founding principles

Practical case


Founding principles : 32h Th
Practical case : 13h Th

Number of credits

 Master in geography: geomatics, professional focus in land surveyor5 crédits 


Founding principles : Pascale Lecocq
Practical case : Pascale Lecocq


Practical case : Noémie Gofflot


Pascale Lecocq

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

See Fondements and Cas pratiques.

Founding principles

After a study of general provisions, various classifications of goods and rights, especially the distinction between real estate and tangible property, are examined. Titles 3 and 4 are devoted to property law and to co-ownership. Lastly, we will study the main real estate rights : easements, usufruct, emphyteusis and building lease.

Practical case

Simple cases.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Founding principles

The aim of the course is to teach students the principles of the law of property. These matters can be developed in-depth during the Master of law.

Practical case

To make clear general rules in actual cases.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Founding principles

For law students, succeeded introductory course in private law as well as the course concerning general theories of contract law.

Practical case


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Founding principles

Courses 2x2h per week. Mandatory reversal classes.

Practical case

Lecture of judgments

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Founding principles

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Ordinary class sessions, with 2 hour classes twice a week, during the second semester.

During the second semester, mandatory practical exercices.

Practical case

The students have to read judgments and parts of books and ask questions.

Founding principles

A civil code and other legal dispositions used during the course are required.
Book about law reform of real rights.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Additional information:

Oral exam.

Founding principles

Exam(s) in session

May-June exam session

- In-person

written exam

August-September exam session

- In-person

written exam

Additional information:

written exam 1st and 2nd sessions. The student can only use legislation that has been annotaded within reason (references to other articles and dates of leading cases, but no small synopsis or analysis of the materials, even in abreviated form or by means of drawings or symbols).
No table of contents other than that of the Code itself - and the conventions in the field of IP law - can be used.  The student must be able to produce a simple list containing all the real estate rights, both principal and accessory.

Practical case

oral exam. Subject to change due to health situation.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Founding principles

Law of property, Evidence, B31
prof. : P. LECOCQ, office, I.21, tél. : 04/3663095,
email : Pascale.Lecocq@ulg.ac.be

Assistants :

Laura DERU (mi-temps), I.15, tel. : 04/3663093,  email :   laura.deru@uliege.be

François BOUSSA (mi-temps) : 1.22, tel. 043663096, email : françois.boussa@uliege.be

Isaline DELANGE (mi-temps) : 1.22, tel. 043663096, email :

Secretary's Office : N. BLEVE, bureau I.77, tél. : 04/3663190, email : nbleve@uliege.be
Boite aux lettres : 16



Practical case

Pascale Lecocq, professeur ordinaire Uliège, Chargé de cours ULB, email : pascale.lecocq@uliege.be, tél. : 04/3663095


Noémie Gofflot : noemie.gofflot@uliege.be, tél. : 043663096

Association of one or more MOOCs