2024-2025 / ARCH2319-1

Sustainable neighbourhood planning

part 1

part 2


part 1 : 8h Th, 18h Pr, 30h Proj.
part 2 : 10h Th, 18h Pr, 30h Proj.

Number of credits

 Master in urban planning and territorial development, professional focus in post-industrial and rurban territories4 crédits 


part 1 : Sigrid Reiter
part 2 : Sigrid Reiter


Sigrid Reiter

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The theoretical course teaches integration in the urban design process of the main sustainable issues and the quantitative ansd qualitative criteria of high-quality urban public spaces.

The design studio aims to integrate the theoretical skills developed into the practice of an urban project.The specificity of the project concerns the scale of the neighbourhood. The criteria of the Walloon "Sustainable Neighborhood Workbook" are integrated into the project design process of a neighbourhood.

part 1

The theoretical course teaches integration in the urban design process of the quantitative ansd qualitative criteria of high-quality urban public spaces.

The design studio aims to integrate the theoretical skills developed into the practice of an urban project.The specificity of the project concerns the scale of the neighbourhood,  and its adequacy with the criteria of a sustainable neighbourhood design. 

part 2

The theoretical course teaches integration in the urban design process of the main sustainable issues. The theoretical teaching is illustrated by many concrete examples of eco-districts as well as contemporary public spaces.

The design studio aims to integrate the theoretical skills developed into the practice of an urban project.The specificity of the project concerns the scale of the neighbourhood, and its adequacy to the criterias of the Guide for sustainable neighbourhoods in Wallonia. 

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The course objectives are :

  • Understanding the multidisciplinary issues of sustainable urban projects' planning and design.
  • Learning a multi-criteria method for assessing and designing sustainable built environments
  • Learn how to design comfortable public spaces and high-quality urban atmosphere
  • Developing skills in project design of neighborhoods and urban public spaces 
  • Developing theoretical knowledge and practical skills in urban composition

part 1

The course objectives are :

  • Understanding the multidisciplinary issues of sustainable urban projects' planning and design.
  • Learn how to design comfortable public spaces and high-quality urban atmosphere
  • Developing skills in project design of urban public spaces 

part 2

The course objectives are :

  • Understanding the multidisciplinary issues of sustainable urban projects' planning and design.
  • Learning a multi-criteria method for assessing and designing sustainable built environments
  • Learn how to design comfortable public spaces and high-quality urban atmosphere
  • Developing skills in project design of neighborhoods and urban public spaces 
  • Developing theoretical knowledge and practical skills in urban composition

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

This course includes a theoretical part and a design studio at the neighbourhood scale, which consists in carrying out the diagnosis and sensitive analysis of a site in order to develop a sustainable neighborhood following the sustainable criteria presented in the "Guide for Sustainable Neighborhoods" of Wallonia.

part 1

This course includes a theoretical part and a design studio at the neighbourhood scale.

part 2

This course includes a theoretical part and a design studio at the neighbourhood scale
Theoretical teaching includes theoretical courses given as an inverted class and analyzes of contemporary reference projects, carried out by students in groups, on the basis of an analysis grid given in the theoretical course
Project reviews are organized weekly. The integration of urban design assistance tools is facilitated through the use of a progressive planning including the stages of development of the project to be reached and the tools recommended for each phase.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

Theoretical teaching includes traditional theoretical courses given as an inverted class and analyzes of contemporary reference projects, carried out by students in groups, on the basis of an analysis grid given in the theoretical course.
Project reviews are organized weekly. The integration of urban design assistance tools is facilitated through the use of a progressive planning including the stages of development of the project to be reached and the tools recommended for each phase.
Presence od the students during the project reviews is required in the class. Group working is based on regular attendence of the course.

part 1

Theoretical courses and group project. Group working is based on regular attendence of the course.

part 2

Blended learning

Additional information:

Presence is required at the class. Group working is based on regular attendence of the course.
Project reviews are organized weekly. The integration of urban design assistance tools is facilitated through the use of a progressive planning including the stages of development of the project to be reached and the tools recommended for each phase.

Recommended or required readings

The slides accompanying the oral presentation are available in pdf format. They are sent to students by email. The podcasts are available on MyULiège.

The following documents are made available to students on eCampus:

  • A DWG basemap (PICC and PLI) of the project site.
The Sustainable Neighborhoods Guide of Wallonia is downloadable through the following link: 

The sectorial plan of the project site is available on the geoportal of the Walloon Region as are the IGN maps (relief, etc.).

part 1

The slides accompanying the oral presentation are available in pdf format.
The Walloon "Sustainable Neighborhood Guide", proposed as a design tool, can be downloaded via the following link:

part 2

The slides accompanying the oral presentation are available in pdf format. They are sent to students by email. The podcasts are available on MyULiège.

The following documents are made available to students on eCampus:

  • A DWG basemap (PICC and PLI) of the project site;
The Sustainable Neighborhoods Guide of Wallonia is downloadable through the following link: 


The sectorial plan of the project site is available on the geoportal of the Walloon Region as are the IGN maps (relief, etc.).  

Assessment methods and criteria

Written work / report

Additional information:

The score obtained for the sustainable neighbourhood project will account for 70% of the overall rating for this course. The additional 30% will come from the evaluation of students' presentations and analyzes of contemporary eco-districts and public spaces, carried out as part of the theoretical part of the course.

The results of the project are given according to the quality of the diagnosis, the sensitive analysis, the projects objectives, the scheme of intentions, and the final proposed neighbourhood and its adequacy with the Sustainable District Referential of Wallonia as well as consistency between the different stages of the project development.

part 1

Written work / report

Additional information:

The results are given according to the quality of the report. 

part 2

Written work / report

Additional information:

The score obtained for the sustainable neighbourhood project will account for 70% of the overall rating for this course. The additional 30% will come from the evaluation of students' presentations and analyzes of contemporary eco-districts.

The score obtained for the project is based on the quality of the sustainable neighbourhood project and the quality of the presentation of its development process through a written report. 

Work placement(s)

Organizational remarks

Any questions or requests for additional information is welcome. Students wishing to meet me can get an appointment by sending an e-mail.

part 1

Any questions or requests for additional information is welcome. Students wishing to meet me can get an appointment by sending an e-mail.

part 2

Any questions or requests for additional information is welcome. Students wishing to meet me can get an appointment by sending an e-mail.


Prof. Sigrid REITER

part 1

Prof. Sigrid Reiter

part 2

Prof. Sigrid REITER

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

part 1

PQD-0-course 2023-24
PQD-0-course 2023-24




PQD-1-Sustainable urban planning
PQD-1-Sustainable urban planning

PQD-2-Public spaces
PQD-2-Public spaces

PQD-3 Analysis
PQD-3 Analysis


PQD-5-6-7-Sustainable neighbourhood
PQD-5-6-7-Sustainable neighbourhood

PQD-8-Outdoor comfort
PQD-8-Outdoor comfort
