2024-2025 / ARCH0584-1

Architecture projects Q4 - Theme 1 - Regenerative architecture: Laboratory


256h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in architecture, professional focus in architecture and urban planning20 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

In the light of the severe flooding occurred during the summer 2021, the Atelier proposes to focus on the Vesdre watershed to identify its main issues, paradoxes and potential. Today, the impact and frequency of the events related to climate change are deeply questioning the way we "inhabit" the territory, especially the parts more exposed to risk (as valley bottoms).  Based on the hypothesis of a "solidary valley" implying the necessity of a new solidarity between its different components (plateaus - slopes - valley bottom, upstream/downstream), the Atelier reflects on a new territorial project able to position in relation to the challenges recently brought forward by the anthropocene.

The Atelier aims at deepening the links between territorial knowledge and design by strengthening its interdisciplinary knowledge (ecology, hydrology, pedology, climatology...), and by focusing on extremely concrete situations. Never based on a pre-defined program, the Atelier's design hypotheses will emerge gradually during the semester thanks to a deep territorial understanding and a multiplicity of contributions (teachers, experts, students, local actors, etc.) in a "research by design" approach.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The Atelier aims at the acquisition of tools and working methods as a support for an inter-scalar and inter-disciplinary design practice, capable of being both pragmatic and highly imaginative.

To address the inter-scalar approach, a survey will be initiated at the micro as well as at the macro scale. Through the exploration of these two "extremes", the relevance of intermediate scales will be highlighted and exploited.
To address the trans-disciplinary approach, a series of experts will be invited to lecture and advise the students on their "work in process".

At the end of the Atelier, the student will be able to :

  • Analyze and describe a territory as a complex reality, where multiple interrelationships are constructed and transformed over time;
  • Develop design strategies attentive to the preservation of ecosystem balances and adapted to risk (current and future);
  • Develop design strategies through interdisciplinary expertise and reasoning;
  • Nourish design with a fine understanding and knowledge of local material/technical devices (construction methods, network functioning etc.);
  • Nourish design with a fine understanding and knowledge of local dynamics/resources (energy, water, plants, etc.) and their cycles;
These learning outcomes will serve as a framework for evaluation.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Atelier Q2 

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

In presence

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

A 'Reader' (available on eCampus) containing a set of essential texts for the course will be made available to students at the beginning of the term.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:


Types of evaluations:

Assessments can take several forms that can be combined:

  • Formative: feedback from the teacher(s) on the week's production. This evaluation allows the student to progress but does not intervene in the construction of the grade;
  • Continuous: individual evaluation based on explicit criteria defined by the supervisory team;
  • Summative: Grades attributed to different assessment tools and moments which are then summed up to form an overall grade;
  • Certificative: A mark awarded to the work handed in and presented orally to a jury and which sanctions the acquisition of learning.
In this course, the evaluation is summative and integrates both certificative and continuous evaluations.

The evaluation moments are also moments of reflection and training. The results of the work and the state of learning are discussed. Continuous evaluation is individual.

Weighting of the evaluations:

  • Description phase = 10%
  • Pre-project jury = 10%
  • Final Jury = 70%
  • Continuous assessment = 10%
Criteria for Certifying Assessments:

  • Quality of engagement in the survey and data collection process;
  • Quality/congruence/relevance of the cross-scalar approach;
  • Quality/congruence/relevance of the trans-disciplinary approach;
  • Methodological quality of the "project research" (problematization, experimentation, iteration, integration of resources, critical analysis);
  • Quality of the territorial strategy/architectural response - constructed and not constructed;
  • Quality of the synthesis and its graphic, written and oral expression;
    Prospective dimension of the project.
Criteria for continuous assessment:

  • Quality of commitment to collective work;
  • Presence and quality of interactions during formative exchanges;
  • Presence and quality of interactions during meetings with experts;
Mode of constitution of the juries :

Among the different types of jury members, we distinguish :

  • members of the course management team ;
  • internal members (faculty members);
  • external members (teachers from other faculties, architects, resource persons, etc.)
Depending on the type of jury (pre-jury, end-of-year jury, etc.), the jury is always composed of at least one member of the management team. If an external member is invited to an intermediate jury, he or she is also invited to the final jury.

Procedure in the event of absence or lateness :

Modalities in case of absence or delay during an intermediate or final submission (jury). A late submission or an unjustified failure to submit is penalized by the non-receipt of the work and a grade of "0". In the event that the student is unable to be present on the day and at the time of a submission, the protocol to be followed is the following:

Notify the teacher in charge of the group as well as the teachers coordinating the course by email before the date and time of the presentation;
Submission of the work (in the state it is in) by a third party, on the day, at the time and in the place provided. In addition, documents must be submitted digitally (including scans and/or photos) via the MIRO or eCampus platform by the due date and time;
Submission to the secretary's office of a receipt for the day of absence, with a copy to the referring teacher and the coordinators;

The jury will deliberate on the admissibility or not of the documents, as well as on all the measures it deems necessary for their examination;

In case of admissibility and on the scheduled date of the examination, the work will be evaluated on the basis of the documents as they are.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

The first week of the Atelier is an intensive week. It mobilizes all the students during the whole week.

Unless otherwise stated, weekly meetings and exchanges are concentrated during the last two days of the week. The first three days are devoted to group work (fieldwork, design..) and to the preparation of the exchanges. A constant presence in the Atelier is expected throughout the whole week. 

All useful documents are available to students on the Ecampus platform.


Martina Barcelloni Corte : mbarcellonicorte@uliege.be

Jean-Philippe Possoz : jp.possoz@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs