2024-2025 / ARCH0579-1

Workshop 3rd term - Theme 2 Habitat / living Atmospheres


64h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in architecture, professional focus in architecture and urban planning5 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Different ways of LIVING.

The exercise consists in questioning the intimacy of living spaces and acting to make them fit the occupants or "Personas" as closely as possible.

This year 2023: Flatdating

This project will involve transforming an existing premises to accommodate a variety of inhabitant profiles, such as students, intergenerationals or short-stay collocations.

The calendar, a dynamic tool during the workshop, can be consulted via this link.

The course focuses on the following cross-cutting themes that are essential to the training of future architects:

- sustainability: sustainable development, sustainable city, territory, global warming, environmental footprint...
- society: population, standard of living, housing, social divide, etc.
- art: creative dimension, valuing art, aesthetic dimension, artistic knowledge and culture, etc.
- digital: (associated) tools for spatial representation,...


Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The exercise consists in questioning a place and acting to ensure that it best suits the profiles of its occupants, right down to the definition of atmospheres.

By the end of the course, students will be able to associate the functional and affective dimensions of an inhabited space via the environment, the building, materials and colors, light, openings, thermal properties, air quality, furniture and decoration, as well as kinaesthetic/tactile/sound sensations.

As a whole, the teaching unit enables students to develop the competencies set out in the faculty's reference framework, in particular:

"Investigating an architectural question

Undertake exploratory, sensitive and critical readings...
(Re)formulate the question in the light of the approaches taken
Study the various components of the theme and context (historical, landscape, built, environmental, cultural, social, economic, legal, technological, etc.)
Relate the different parameters of the study
Integrate the results of investigations into a global synthesis, through the prism of spatial and projective resolution
Identify several significant hypotheses through an iterative process

"Develop a spatial response

Appropriate verbal, written and graphic languages as tools for designing, structuring, verifying and questioning thought.
Integrate structural, technical, material and energy resources and constraints
Spatially translate the hypotheses posed, using a synthetic approach that links different scales.
Include environmental, landscape, cultural and socio-political values
Adjust spatial resolutions through exploratory questioning (question-answer-spatial validation and new questioning cycle)
Introduce implementation experiments as a design parameter
Construct the different stages of project design
Confront the project with an ongoing referenced and/or elaborated evaluation

"Implement a situated spatial response

Ensuring conditions of use and comfort
Draw on local resources (materials, energy sources, etc.)
Take into account the site's climatic and geographic factors
Integrate standards, laws and regulations applicable to the site and program
Adapt structural, technical and material choices in line with the project's principles and values
Experiment with feasibility, implementation, layout and assembly methods, and construction processes (architectural, etc.) as design parameters.

"Interacting with all stakeholders

Confront, in an adapted way, the project with the point of view of each stakeholder
Work effectively within collaborative and cooperative practices that respect people
Understand the meaning of expectations by listening attentively and with understanding
Participate in multi-disciplinary teams, adopting a position appropriate to your level of expertise
Master verbal, written and graphic languages as tools for sharing ideas
Produce reflective documents for the exchange of ideas.


Prerequisite knowledge and skills

All the notions learned in the workshops and theoretical courses of the first 4 years are reviewed and extended through the new projects.
The application of the right dimensions is an absolute prerequisite.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The main teaching device is the workshop. It takes place mainly in presentations and group critiques. Some devices are interspersed, such as internal workshop presentations, quick isolated exercises, study visits or trips, interventions of internal or external speakers.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

The pedagogy tends to develop the initiative, the critical spirit, the rigor and the efficiency of the student ("knowing how to be") to lead him in a coherent way in realistic projects as well at the level of the urbanistic and architectural options as at the level of programming, structural, normative and environmental.

The exercise is carried out in the workshop in small groups (2 to 4 students).

Physical presence at the workshop is mandatory during the whole workshop following the schedule communicated at the first session.


Bibliography direct support to the exercise :

Lucan J., 2021, Habiter, ville et architecture, EPFL PRESS.
Zumthor, P., 2006, Atmospheres, Birkhäuser.
Arc en rêve centre d'architecture Bordeaux, 2006, Voisins - voisines, nouvelles formes d'habitat individuel en France, Cité de l'architecture.
Curien, E., 2018, Gion A. Caminada, s'approcher au plus près des choses, Acte Sud
Herbers, D.J. et Mulder, C.H., 2017, "Housing and Subjective Well-Being of Older Adults in Europe", Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 32 (3), pp.533-558.
Onay, N.S. et Minucciani, V., 2018, "Well-Being Framework as a Contributor to Sustainability", WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 217, pp.699-710.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam

Other : Text analysis sheets and architectural references. Plans and models

Additional information:

The evaluation steps are:

Listed in this calendar

Display and oral presentation to a jury at the end of the workshop.

The course includes evaluations:

- Certificative for the final jury

- Formative for the two intermediate assessments

The weighting of assessments is as follows

- Continuous assessment = 20% = individual rating (given by the course instructors) based on the student's regular, dynamic participation and ability to progress in the exercise.

- Final jury = 80% = collective/group rating (given by a jury made up of course instructors and invited members from within and outside the faculty) based on the overall quality of the project (spatial, expressive, structural and constructive qualities, presentation and representation).


Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Fabienne Courtejoie : fcourtejoie@uliege.be
Olivier Henz : ohenz@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs