2024-2025 / APPR0141-1

Techniques of multidisciplinary training per problem of the digestive, genital, metabolic and endocrinal systems - Integration of knowledge.


24h APP

Number of credits

 Bachelor in medicine5 crédits 


Vincent Bours, Didier Cataldo, Philippe Delvenne, Philippe Kolh, Bernard Lambermont, Nicolas Paquot, Pascale Quatresooz, Marc Radermecker


Pierre Bonnet

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

From the 2nd block of Bachelor's degree,the teaching concerns the "normal" Man and the general principles of pathology. This module gets organized in a multidisciplinary way and approaches successively the various anatomical systems.
The Problem-based seminars (APP) of the 2nd and 3rd block of Bachelor's degree aim to develop the integration of the knowledge on these systems and the physiopathological reasoning of the students, through clinical labels concerning the following subjects: human Anatomy (systematic and topographic), pathological Anatomy, human Biochemistry and pathological Biochemistry, Embryology, Genetics, human Histology, Microbiology, human Physiology and pathological Physiology, Semiology.
This teaching will be followed, from the 3rd block of the Bachelor's degree to the 2nd block of the Master's degree (Q6 to Q9), by seminaries of learning of the reasoning diagnosis and therapeutics.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of the concerned four-month period, the student will be able to analyze a non-seen clinical case about the studied subjects during the four-month period, as he will have been trained to solve during the Problem-based learning seminars. For example, he can establish an integrative physiopathological plan of the case, as well as an explanatory presentation detailed in the various approached disciplines (with drawings, plans, formulae).
A list of general and specific objectives is available on the e-campus on line course.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Co and pre-requisites are detailed in the general Baccalaureate Medical formation (global course program).

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

This multidisciplinar teaching consists in Problem-based seminars.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face or distance-learning if necessary

Slides and comments are available on e-campus on line course.

Any session :

- In-person

oral exam

- Remote

oral exam

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

Additional information:

Oral integrative exam : the students are evaluated on their capacity of reasoning and integration, their knowledge and their capacity of communication (see practical information at the disposal of the students on eCampus).

Work placement(s)


Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

The practical information are put on eCampus during the quadrimester. A half-day of formation about Problem-solved seminars will be given at the beginning of the 2nd block of Bachelor's degree. The students are also supervised concerning the method of work during the quite 1th session of the seminars, to guide them in the stages of the physiopathological reasoning. Every APP is distributed in three phases. During a go session of two hours, the students analyze in small groups a short specific clinical history of the studied module and based on cases of real patients. At the end of session, they establish hypotheses of explanation of this case and personal objectives of learning.
After a week of deepening of the clinical case by auto-learning, the students are gathered with the responsible teachers to establish a complete explanatory plan of the history of the patient during a retour session of two hours.


Phone number and mail address of the coordinator of the module concerned by the evoked clinical case are available by following the links towards the following directories of the University Hospital and the Ulg : http://www.chu.ulg.ac.be/jcms/c_61986/annuaire-des-medecins/ and https://www.ulg.ac.be/cms/c_6099593/fr/repertoire-personnel

Association of one or more MOOCs