2024-2025 / AESS0335-1

Special didactics in information and communication (1st part), Course and exercises


40h Th

Number of credits

 Master in performing arts, teaching focus2 crédits 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher2 crédits 


Ingrid Mayeur

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Description of the teaching unit:

This teaching unit aims to provide students with theoretical and practical tools so that they can, independently, create a didactic sequence in a communication/media literacy/performing arts course.

Table of contents:

  • The stakes and aims of media education, communication and performing arts teaching in the Wallonia-Brussels federation with regard to the Code decree; the role of the teacher in this framework;
  • Competence referentials, programs;
  • The learning devices (building a sequence for media education and the teaching of communication/performing arts: creating a pedagogical scenario; formulating instructions; choosing materials; varying methods; evaluation);
  • The knowledge taught (media literacy, concepts and notions, transposition and didactic programming);
  • The research process in social sciences (guest speaker);
  • Digital tools for teaching disciplinary knowledge (i).





Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this teaching unit, the students will be able to:

  • Identify their role as a future teacher of communication/media/performing arts in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation;
  • Read and use a program;
  • Critically analyze a learning sequence involving disciplinary subjects, in order to assess their relevance and efficiency to a given teaching context;
  • Organize and manage learning in class through appropriate pedagogical scripting;
  • Prepare lessons that are relevant, appropriate to the students, and that fully engage them in learning;
  • Design adapted materials and use them appropriately;
  • Draw on theoretical resources to question their practice and consider solutions to learning problems encountered by students.




Prerequisite knowledge and skills

  • Pre-requisites: Fluency in both written and spoken french. Mastery of disciplinary knowledge;
  • Co-requisites: teaching and observation internship, reflective practice.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

  • Presentations with note-taking by the student;
  • Work on the texts in the reading portfolio (theoretical structuring, clarification, exchanges);
  • Practical exercises.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Lectures with note-taking, individual and small group activities.


Mandatory reading:

  • Amadieu, Franck, & André Tricot. (2014) 2020. Apprendre avec le numérique. s.l.: Retz.
Institutional resources (decrees, programs, tools) and reading portfolio available on eCampus. The readings and resources will feed and exemplify into the material covered in class and will be discussed in class, with a view to being used for assessment work.

The reading portfolio includes the following texts:

  • Sensevy, Gérard, Virginie Messina et Loïs Lefeuvre. 2020. "Enseignement explicite ou enseignement direct: il faut choisir." in: Enseigner, ça s'apprend. Paris: Retz. 49-67
  • Astolfi, Jean-Pierre. (1992) 2010. « Des dispositifs pour apprendre ». In L'école pour apprendre. L'élève face aux savoirs. Issy-les-Moulineaux: ESF.
  • Bolou-Chiaravalli, Christine. 2019. « La littéracie: compétence indispensable pour démêler le vrai du faux ». In Didactique de la communication, édité par Clémentine Hougue et Pascal Plouchard, 3:223-43. Paris: L'Harmattan.
  • Rialland, Ivanne, Hinault, « Enseigner l'écriture journalistique: Réaliser un dossier». In  Didactique de la communication, édité par Anne-Marie Hinault, 2:191-210. Paris: L'Harmattan.
  • Reuter, Yves, Cora Cohen-Azria, Bertrand Daunay, Isabelle Delcambre, et Dominique Lahanier-Reuter. 2013. « Transposition didactique ». In Dictionnaire des concepts fondamentaux des didactiques, 3e éd., 221-226. Louvain-La-Neuve: De Boeck Superieur.
  • Gardiès, Cécile, et Patrice Venturini. 2015. « Analyse didactique d'une séance d'enseignement sur le concept «?document?» ». Spiral-E - Revue de recherches en education, no 55: 17-37.


Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam

- Remote

written exam

Additional information:

Written exam + written assignment due on exam day.

Please note: passing both parts of the assessment is essential for validation of the teaching unit. In the event of failure in any one of them, the lowest mark will be taken into consideration for the whole EU.

Attending class, working regularly (reading, exercises, etc.) and taking an active part in class are essential to the success of this teaching unit. All absences must be duly justified (medical certificate; failing this, justification to be accepted at the discretion of the supervisors). After 3 unjustified absences, the student will not be allowed to sit the exam.

Insufficient mastery of the French language will result in failure of the exam. The student is nevertheless allowed to use tools (dictionary, grammar) in printed format.

Grades communicated via the eCampus gradebook are for information only, pending deliberation.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

The course is held at COMMU II, on Wednesdays, from 2 to 5 p.m., except during winter and spring breaks. See also the provisional program on eCampus.




Association of one or more MOOCs