Compulsory courses
Code Détails Organisation Théorie Pratique Autres Crédits
ANTH0001-1 Social and cultural anthropology 1
Q2 30 - - 6
ECON2293-1 General Political Economics - Microeconomics
Q1 30 15 - 4
ECON2294-1 General political Economics - Macroeconomics
Q2 30 15 - 4
METO0820-2 Initiation to Social Science Methodology Q2 6
30 - -
- 15 -
SPOL1101-1 Introduction to political science, Part 1
Q1 30 - - 3
DROI1101-3 Introduction to public law
Q1 30 - - 3
PSYC0017-1 Social psychology
Q2 30 - - 3
PHIL0054-1 Issues in philosophy
Q2 30 - - 3
SOCI0568-1 Sociology
Q1 45 - - 6
SOCI0078-2 Advanced questions of Sociology
Q1 45 15 - 6
COMU0016-1 Theories of Communication
Q1 30 - - 3
HIST0176-1 Introduction to social and economic history of contemporary Belgium
Q2 30 - - 4
SOCI0079-1 Introduction to the study of migration and integration
Q2 30 - - 3
LANG0001-2 English level 1 (english language)
TA 60 30 - 6
Compulsory courses
Code Détails Organisation Théorie Pratique Autres Crédits
SOCI0064-1 (pas organisé en 2023-2024) Sociological Approach of Social Justice
Q1 30 - - 5
SOCI1241-1 Calculating probabilities in the social sciences
Statistique descriptive
Q2 30 30 - 6
SOCI9007-3 Evolution of sociological thought, Contemporary sociology
Q1 30 - - 3
METO0825-1 (pas organisé en 2023-2024) Qualitative research methods - principles and techniques
Méthodes de recherche qualitative - Travaux pratiques
Q1 25 5 - 3
METO0826-1 (pas organisé en 2023-2024) Qualitative research method - Practical work
Méthodes de recherche qualitative - Principes et techniques
Q2 5 45 - 5
LANG3016-1 (pas organisé en 2023-2024) English - level 3, part 1 (english language)
Q1 30 15 - 2
LANG3017-1 (pas organisé en 2023-2024) English - level 3, part 2 (english language)
Q2 30 15 - 4
SOCI0085-1 Practicing the questionnaire survey - [30h Field work]
Méthodologie de l'enquête
TA 15 15 [+] 6
DROI0083-1 Social Law
Q2 30 - - 6
SOCI0017-1 (pas organisé en 2023-2024) Globalisation and social movements
Q2 30 - - 5