Applied technologies : 30h Th
Medicine and pharmaceuticals : 30h Th
Number of credits
Master in modern languages and literatures : general (120 ECTS) | 5 crédits | |||
Master in translation (120 ECTS) | 5 crédits |
Applied technologies : Laura Charlier
Medicine and pharmaceuticals : Valérie Spapen
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the first semester, review in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Applied technologies
In this course, you'll be facing the universe of specialized translation. You'll discover a large range of fields, topics and text shapes. Those texts will match different levels of difficulty. This learning process will allow you to understand better what a professional translator is.
This course is divided in 2 parts:
Written translation: The texts will be selected in the scientific and technological fields. Specialized texts dealing with different topics and written in different printing format (editorials, press releases, reports, records, etc.) The level of difficulty will be flexible (grammar, loan translation, vocabulary adapted to style and text level, etc.)
Sight Translation: Oral translation exercise without any external resource: translation in French of a text dealing with scientific and technological topics, intermediate level. Flow,language level and quality are critical (vocabulary, tense sequence, grammar, natural speech in French, etc.)
Medicine and pharmaceuticals
Traduction, de l'espagnol en français, de textes à caractère médical. Les traductions se font à partir de documents authentiques que l'on est amené à traduire dans la profession (notices, formulaires de consentement éclairé, protocoles d'étude clinique, questionnaires médicaux, ...)
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
Applied technologies
At the end of the course, you'll be able to translate scientific and technological orientated texts, in written or oral way.
In written translation, you'll be able to analyze, understand, relay and reformulate in French the meaning of the specialized text. You'll also be able to comment the translation difficulties and justify your translation choices.
You will be able to translate a specialized text in the scientific and technological fields at sight too. You'll translate without any external resource, you'll translate the meaning, the nuances, extract the logical links and reformulate the text in French in a natural, flowing and high-quality way.
You'll be able to use basic translation tools (unilingual and bilingual dictionaries) and the Internet.
Medicine and pharmaceuticals
Familiariser l'étudiant avec le vocabulaire spécifique utilisé dans ces différents types de texte. Faire les recherches nécessaires qui permettront d'aborder le sujet du texte à traduire. Adapter son texte au public visé. Produire un texte clair, cohérent, utilisant un vocabulaire adapté et correct.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Applied technologies
Advanced knowledge of Spanish language.
Excellent knowledge of French
Curiosity for the different topics seen in class
Superficial understanding of the big fields seen in class
Medicine and pharmaceuticals
Excellente maîtrise du français et de l'espagnol.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Applied technologies
To improve your level in written translation, you'll read the texts, make your research and prepare a written translation at home. In class, you'll compare your translation to your fellow students' own translation and you'll analyze the solutions found to solve translation problems (phrase construction and structures, vocabulary and language level have to be adapted to the text). You'll also learn how to justify your translation choices.
To improve your level in sight translation, you'll prepare the text during a set time, without dictionaries or other resources, you'll learn to detect the logical connectors, you'll translate in French, then we'll be listening to an audio recording and will correct it as a group and then you'll be able to listen to your own recording as many times as necessary. This way, you'll be able to detect your own translating defaults and you'll be using the group correction to improve your own performance. By comparing your translation to your fellow students' you'll improve your skills in sight translation and you'll develop some automatic reflexes which will be very useful in your future career.
Medicine and pharmaceuticals
Chaque semaine un texte sera préparé à domicile et corrigé en classe au cours suivant. Régulièrement, travail de relecture à partir d'une traduction donnée, travail de groupe incluant un travail de relecture et de traduction, travail de traduction en équipes avec harmonisation.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Applied technologies
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
Distance learning if face-to-face mode is not authorized because of the Covid, 2-hour class per week during Q1.
Medicine and pharmaceuticals
Recommended or required readings
Applied technologies
Spanish unilingual dictionary French unilingual dictionary Following and reading of current affairs (online newspaper for example) in Spanish and French
Medicine and pharmaceuticals
Lectures de documents spécifiques aux traductions réalisées.
Applied technologies
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam AND oral exam
Additional information:
This teaching unit ("Unité d'enseignement," or UE) is subject to the principle of the "note absorbante," which means that the student having obtained a mark below 8/20 for one of the learning activities ("activités d'apprentissage," or AA) will receive a failing grade for the entire unit and will have to retake the failed AA in the second session regardless of the mathematical average of the two AA grades
Final exam at the end of Q1
Final note will be divided in 2 parts:
45% on a sight translation, done without any external resource and scheduled before the exam session (generally the last class), recorded in an audio format. Assessment standards: General vocabulary, specialized vocabulary, grammar, meaning, phrase constructions and speed.
55% on a written exam. Duration: 3.30 hours. 2 texts to translate, between 1000 and 1200 words for the 2 texts. Each text will receive a different note. Final note is the average between the 2. All resources available can be used except DeepL (using this website will automatically mean failing the exam). Assessment standards: Orthography, grammar, phrase constructions, style, general vocabulary, specialized vocabulary, typography, punctuation, meaning and omissions
Medicine and pharmaceuticals
Examen : traduction d'un texte de 300 à 600 mots sur l'un des sujets abordés pendant l'année.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Applied technologies
Premises for this course is not decided yet. If computer presmises is not available, please come with your laptop and please download and install "Audacity" (free software, to download it, please clink here http://audacity.portalux.com/) Coming to class during the year is highly recommended to be able to improve your level. Please don't send any translation by email, no marking.
Applied technologies
Email: lcharlier@uliege.be
Medicine and pharmaceuticals
Valérie Spapen, V.Spapen@uliege.be