2024-2025 / PSYC0042-2

Psychosocial interview: methods and practices [D]




Theory : 15h Th
Practice : 30h AUTR

Number of credits

 Master in psychology, professional focus in social, occupational and organizational psychology6 crédits 


Theory : Isabelle Hansez, Céline Leclercq, Delphine Suttor
Practice : Isabelle Hansez, Céline Leclercq, Delphine Suttor


Delphine Suttor

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

  • 1. The concept of the "interview" and different categories of interviews
  • 2. Communication axioms
  • 3. Preparing for an interview
  • 4. Questioning techniques, reformulation and feedback
  • 5. Building an interview guide
  • 6. Attitudes and postures during interviews
  • 7. Methodology of the interview
  • 8. Ethical issues posed by the practice of the interview
  • 9. Occupational clinic interviews
  • 10. Job and skills management interviews (Master in psychology)
  • 11. Demand analysis interviews for workplace interventions
  • 12. Development interview: coaching, supervision (Master of Science in Education)


  • 1. The concept of the "interview" and different categories of interviews
  • 2. Communication axioms
  • 3. Preparing for an interview
  • 4. Questioning techniques, reformulation and feedback
  • 5. Building an interview guide
  • 6. Attitudes and postures during interviews
  • 7. Methodology of the interview
  • 8. Ethical issues posed by the practice of the interview
  • 9. Occupational clinic interviews
  • 10. Job and skills management interviews (Master in psychology)
  • 11. Demand analysis interviews for workplace interventions
  • 12. Development interview: coaching, supervision (Master of Science in Education)


  • 1. The concept of the "interview" and different categories of interviews
  • 2. Communication axioms
  • 3. Preparing for an interview
  • 4. Questioning techniques, reformulation and feedback
  • 5. Building an interview guide
  • 6. Attitudes and postures during interviews
  • 7. Methodology of the interview
  • 8. Ethical issues posed by the practice of the interview
  • 9. Occupational clinic interviews
  • 10. Job and skills management interviews (Master in psychology)
  • 11. Demand analysis interviews for workplace interventions
  • 12. Development interview: coaching, supervision (Master of Science in Education)

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

1. To acquire the theoretical foundations to enable students to decode the main processes of interpersonal communication
2. To acquire the methodological foundations and techniques to enable students to carry out interviews for the purposes of collecting information
3. To learn basically how to use the methods and techniques covered in class
4. To learn how to put professional interviewing use into perspective in the framework of the occupational clinic, the demand analysis for workplace interventions and the selection process and skills management or development (coaching, supervision)
5. To develop a critical approach to the student's own interview practices


1. To acquire the theoretical foundations to enable students to decode the main processes of interpersonal communication
2. To acquire the methodological foundations and techniques to enable students to carry out interviews for the purposes of collecting information
3. To learn basically how to use the methods and techniques covered in class
4. To learn how to put professional interviewing use into perspective in the framework of the occupational clinic, the demand analysis for workplace interventions and the selection process and skills management or development (coaching, supervision)
5. To develop a critical approach to the student's own interview practices


1. To acquire the theoretical foundations to enable students to decode the main processes of interpersonal communication
2. To acquire the methodological foundations and techniques to enable students to carry out interviews for the purposes of collecting information
3. To learn basically how to use the methods and techniques covered in class
4. To learn how to put professional interviewing use into perspective in the framework of the occupational clinic, the demand analysis for workplace interventions and the selection process and skills management or development (coaching, supervision)
5. To develop a critical approach to the student's own interview practices

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The practical work consists of participating in role-playing exercises and scenarios during which, through the use of feedback (from peers and instructors), students can evaluate and perfect their interviewing technique.


The practical work consists of participating in role-playing exercises and scenarios during which, through the use of feedback (from peers and instructors), students can evaluate and perfect their interviewing technique.


The practical work consists of participating in role-playing exercises and scenarios during which, through the use of feedback (from peers and instructors), students can evaluate and perfect their interviewing technique.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face to face - active exchanges in course



Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face to face - active exchanges in course



Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face to face - active exchanges in course


Recommended or required readings

Course notes.

Recommended reading:

Guittet, A. (2013). L'entretien, techniques et pratiques. Paris : Armand Colin

Mucchielli, R. (2016). L'entretien de face à face: Dans la relation d'aide. ESF Sciences Humaines.

Watzlawick, P., Beavin, J. H., Jackson, D. D., & Morche, J. (1972). Une logique de la communication.


Course notes.

Recommended reading:

Guittet, A. (2013). L'entretien, techniques et pratiques. Paris : Armand Colin

Mucchielli, R. (2016). L'entretien de face à face: Dans la relation d'aide. ESF Sciences Humaines.

Watzlawick, P., Beavin, J. H., Jackson, D. D., & Morche, J. (1972). Une logique de la communication.


Course notes.

Recommended reading:

Guittet, A. (2013). L'entretien, techniques et pratiques. Paris : Armand Colin

Mucchielli, R. (2016). L'entretien de face à face: Dans la relation d'aide. ESF Sciences Humaines.

Watzlawick, P., Beavin, J. H., Jackson, D. D., & Morche, J. (1972). Une logique de la communication.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Other : Videoscopy

Further information:

Master's degree in psychology - Examination in January 
The student prepares, conducts and films a real interview on one of the themes covered in the course (i.e. work clinic, skills management, analysis of the demand for an intervention in a company). 
The examination consists of the presentation of the interview and the student's analysis of it. In this way, the student must demonstrate that he/she is capable of mobilising the theoretical concepts seen in class. 
Masters in Education Sciences - Examination in June 
The student prepares, conducts and films a real exploratory interview on a chosen subject, within the framework set during the first practical session.  The theme, proposed by the student, must be validated by the teaching team before the interview takes place. 
The examination consists of the student's presentation of a reflective analysis of the interview. A consent form signed by the interviewee and a one-page essay will be handed in by the student on the day of the exam. This paper will include two items relating to (I) the exploratory theme, explained and argued, and (II) a synthesis of what the interview was able to throw light on with regard to this questioning, referring to the singularity of the interviewee.


Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Other : Vidéoscopy

Further information:

Master's degree in psychology - Examination in January

The student prepares, conducts and films a real interview on one of the themes covered in the course (i.e. work clinic, skills management, analysis of the demand for an intervention in a company).

The examination consists of the presentation of the interview and the student's analysis of it. In this way, the student must demonstrate that he/she is capable of mobilising the theoretical concepts seen in class.

Masters in Education Sciences - Examination in June

The student prepares, conducts and films a real exploratory interview on a chosen subject, within the framework set during the first practical session.  The theme, proposed by the student, must be validated by the teaching team before the interview takes place.
The examination consists of the student's presentation of a reflective analysis of the interview. A consent form signed by the interviewee and a one-page essay will be handed in by the student on the day of the exam. This paper will include two items relating to (I) the exploratory theme, explained and argued, and (II) a synthesis of what the interview was able to throw light on with regard to this questioning, referring to the singularity of the interviewee. 


Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Other : Vidéoscopy

Further information:

Master's degree in psychology - Examination in January

The student prepares, conducts and films a real interview on one of the themes covered in the course (i.e. work clinic, skills management, analysis of the demand for an intervention in a company).

The examination consists of the presentation of the interview and the student's analysis of it. In this way, the student must demonstrate that he/she is capable of mobilising the theoretical concepts seen in class.

Masters in Education Sciences - Examination in June

The student prepares, conducts and films a real exploratory interview on a chosen subject, within the framework set during the first practical session.  The theme, proposed by the student, must be validated by the teaching team before the interview takes place.
The examination consists of the student's presentation of a reflective analysis of the interview. A consent form signed by the interviewee and a one-page essay will be handed in by the student on the day of the exam. This paper will include two items relating to (I) the exploratory theme, explained and argued, and (II) a synthesis of what the interview was able to throw light on with regard to this questioning, referring to the singularity of the interviewee. 

Work placement(s)

Organizational remarks

For more information, we refer you to the first session of the course


For more information, we refer you to the first session of the course


For more information, we refer you to the first session of the course


Teacher : Isabelle HANSEZ - VALORH - Valorisation des Ressources Humaines, B32
Mail : ihansez@uliege.be

Assistants for theorical courses (Master in psychology and master in Science of Education) and practical courses (Master of psychology):

- Céline LECLERCQ : celine.leclercq@uliege.be
- Delphine SUTTOR : delphine.suttor@uliege.be

Assistant for practical courses (Master in Science of Education):

- Elise SEGHERS : Elise.Seghers@uliege.be 


Teacher : Isabelle HANSEZ - VALORH - Valorisation des Ressources Humaines, B32
Mail : ihansez@uliege.be

Assistants for theorical courses (Master in psychology and master in Science of Education) and practical courses (Master of psychology):

- Céline LECLERCQ : celine.leclercq@uliege.be
- Delphine SUTTOR : delphine.suttor@uliege.be


Assistant for practical courses (Master in Science of Education):

Elise SEGHERS : Elise.Seghers@uliege.be 


Teacher : Isabelle HANSEZ - VALORH - Valorisation des Ressources Humaines, B32
Mail : ihansez@uliege.be

Assistants for theorical courses (Master in psychology and master in Science of Education) and practical courses (Master of psychology):

- Céline LECLERCQ : celine.leclercq@uliege.be
- Delphine SUTTOR : delphine.suttor@uliege.be


Assistant for practical courses (Master in Science of Education):

- Elise SEGHERS : Elise.Seghers@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs