2024-2025 / Master

Ingénieur civil mécanicien, à finalité spécialisée en "Advanced Ship Design" (EMSHIP+, Erasmus Mundus)

120 crédits

Description complète

The objective of the EMSHIP+ master is to train engineers specialized in Advanced Design in Ships and Offshore Structures.

This master, fully in English, is an ERASMUS MUNDUS Master organised jointly by ULiège and 3 European partners : Ecole Centrale of Nantes (ECN, France), University of Rostock (URO, Germany) and Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM, Spain).

The EMship+ Master Course provides an outstanding university program in Naval Architecture, Ship and Offshore Design in 2 years -120 ECTS Credits - Master Course

International Master in Advanced Design in Ships and Offshore Structures

The EMSHIP+ master is offered and taught entirely in English. Students who opt for this international master must take a mobility programme worth 60 credits at one of the programme's partner universities: the Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN), the University of Rostock, (URO, Germany) or the Polytecnic University of Madrid (UPM, Spain).

EMSHIP+ targets Engineers searching for advanced education in :

  • Hydrodynamic and structural analyses of ships and offshore structures,
  • CAD and information technology,
  • Shipyard and production technology,
  • Commercial ships, mega/motor yachts, sailing pleasure crafts ...
  • Offshore Wind Energy (Supply vessels, Offshore wind turbines, FOWT...),
  • Ocean Engineering (Oil and Gas technology)

During their studies, students are deeply immersed in the industrial world; the programme comprises an extended internship (3-5 months) and a Master's thesis carried out at a company (shipyard, classification societies, ship owner, design firm or research institute, etc.). At the end of the Master's programme, there is a wide range of career opportunities that lead to jobs in production (shipyard), in a company (part suppliers: propulsion, dredging, ships specialised in Offshore Wind Turbines installation, etc.), at a research institute (HSVA, CMT...), at a classification societies (BV, DNV-GL, LR, etc.) as well as in an university setting working towards a PhD.

In conclusion, the EMship+ key points are:

-          An interdisciplinary combination of technical, scientific and management skills obtained through a worldwide unique qualification program supported by 9 leading universities, offering a double/join degree Master diploma and excellent career opportunities to graduates.

-          Three different specializations offered during the second year, after a one-year common core.

-          The opportunity to experience a variety of academic and cultural environments through a mobility scheme covering two or three different countries.

-          An international network of associated universities and industrial partners.

Learn more about Mobility scheme and planning


More information available on www.EMSHIP.EU

The registration is only done online on www.EMSHIP.EU

Read the brochure

ANAST - University of Liège

Quartier Polytech 1

allée de la Découverte 9, bât B52/3

4000 LIEGE - Belgium


Tel:+32 4 366 93 66

The International Relations department is at your disposal.

Erasmus IN: mobil.in@uliege.be


Other specialized focuses are offered by ULiège :

  • Professional focus in Mechatronics
  • Professional focus in Sustainable Automobile Engineering

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