2024-2025 / Master

Ingénieur civil en chimie et science des matériaux, à finalité spécialisée en Advanced Materials - Innovative Recycling (AMIR-EM)

120 crédits


Graduates of the AMIR programme will be fully equipped to take on a wide variety of professional roles in the recycling sector, including:

  • Process optimisation
  • Materials design
  • Plant administration
  • Project administration

Skills gained from studying on the AMIR programme are widely required across many sectors, including information and communication technologies, building construction, energy, machinery tools, and mobility. Graduates also obtain the necessary skills and knowledge to set up their own company or work in sales and marketing. Finally, doctoral studies are a further possibility and graduates of the AMIR programme will be fully equipped to enter PhD programmes in the recycling sector to pursue engineering careers or academic research, including those offered in the framework of the European Multifunctional Materials Institute (EMMI).

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