2024-2025 / Certificate

Inter-university certificate and higher education institute of social promotion in management of problematic situations in schools through the systemic approach of Palo Alto

30 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Compulsory courses

YCER0164-1Intervention methods and ethical issues in the school environmentQ1   5
Intervention methods and tools in the school environment  30-- 
Ethics and deontology in the school environment - [4h Travail autonome de l'étudiant]  16-[+] 
YCER0165-1The systemic, strategic and brief approach in school settingsTA   9
Epistemology of the Palo Alto systemic, strategic and brief model
Stéphanie Chartier, Annick Toussaint
The systemic, strategic and brief approach applied to resolving school bullying
Stéphanie Chartier, Marie Delchambre, Emmanuelle Piquet
The systemic, strategic and brief approach applied to resolving distress associated with learning
Stéphanie Chartier, Marie Delchambre, Emmanuelle Piquet
The systemic, strategic and brief approach applied to managing difficult classes
Stéphanie Chartier, Marie Delchambre
YCER0166-1Practical implementation of the systemic, strategic and brief model in school settings - [50h Integrated practice]
Marie Delchambre
YTRA9020-1Integrative test - portfolio - [80h Travail autonome de l'étudiant] TA18-[+]8