2024-2025 / University certificate

Radioprotection expertise

10 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Compulsory courses

PHYS0071-1Experimental bases of nuclear physics and detection of radiation TA20--2
PHYS0072-1Nuclear detection TA108-2
MCER0214-1Radiochemistry 8--1
MCER0007-1Cellular and human radiobiology : histopathology and biochemistry, Theory 10--1
SCER0073-1INES analyses TA26-1
SCER0074-1Transporting radioactive materials
Christophe Karasinski
SCER0075-1Sheilding calculations
Pierre Duchatelet
Pierre Duchatelet
SCER0077-1Dosimetry and the ALARA principle
Pierre Duchatelet
SCER0078-1Practical radioprotection
Pierre Duchatelet
SCER0079-1Decontamination techniques
Amran Chamlal
SCER0080-1Handling radioactive waste   1
Radioactive waste of medical origin  22- 
Radioactive waste of industrial origin
Amir Hushyar
SCER0081-1Visiting nuclear facilities   1
Medical and research facilities - [8h Visit]  --[+] 
Industrial facilities - [8h Visit]
Pierre Duchatelet
Notice : In the coming months, a new Royal Decree governing the field of radioprotection should be announced in Belgium to meet the requirements of the European Directive setting the basic standards relating to health protection against the dangers resulting from exposure to ionising radiation (2013/59/EURATOM of 5/12/13). The Royal Decree should also define a less ambitious training programme for radioprotection officers (RPOs)(formerly responsible for surveillance). Appropriate training of an as yet undefined number of hours will be required. Course modules may be created in order to respond to the provisions of the future regulation in terms of training for RPOs. These course modules will be available for anyone wishing to meet the future regulatory requirements and to obtain their qualification as a radioprotection officer on a specific site.