2024-2025 / Master

Environmental science and management, professional focus in environmental monitoring

120 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Cours obligatoires du tronc commun


Socio-ecological issues: regulated sectors of the environment

Integrated energy management, particularly in the construction industry Q12812-4
ENVT3040-2Integrated and participative management of water resources Q12416-4
ENVT3127-1Biodiversity and societies Q13010-4
Air quality: Pressure - State - Response Q1344-4
Environment (soil) Q12515-4

Cross-cutting approaches to environmental issues

Seminar - Integrated approach to environmental issues - [30h Seminar, 30h Monitored workshops] Q23-[+]4
Introduction to the Anthropocene - [6h Field work, 4h Seminar] Q120-[+]2
System analysis applied to environment Q1146-2
ENVT3124-1Environmental data processingQ2   4
Part 1: Univariate and bivariate statistics in the environment  88- 
Part 2: Introduction to R  612- 
Part 3: Statistical arguments - [6h Classe inversée]  4-[+] 
Ecosystems : conditions, anthropic impacts and management - [16h Classe inversée]
ECON0945-1Economy, energy and environment Q120--2
SPOL0382-2Foundations of environmental politicies/law
Application of teledetection and geographical information systems for environmental management Q21426-4
ENVT3054-2Methodological Approach to Environmental Science - [4h Monitored workshops] Q21610[+]3

Cours au choix du tronc commun

Specialised courses


With the jury¿s agreement and depending on the student¿s course, choose three courses from:


Remarques :

- Les cours ne seront organisés qu'à partir de 5 étudiants inscrits.

- Le cours ENVT0155-1 ne peut pas être choisi en même temps que les cours ENVT0867-1 et ENVT0895-1 (incompatibilité horaire).

Notice : Courses only take place if at least five students are registered.
Land use planning and mobility - [2d Field work] Q21515[+]4
ENVT0895-1Environment and development: social, economic, cultural, institutional, legal and political aspects - [16h Monitored workshops] Q232-[+]4
Environmental performance of buildings (english language) Q22020-4
ENVT3026-1Social study of science and technology - [24h Seminar] Q112-[+]4
ENVT0155-1Methodology, sampling, indicators Q2364-4
Pressures on the undergroundQ2   4
Part 1: geological map
Part 2 : groundwater  1212- 
Environmental toxicology and healthQ2   4
Part 1: Ecotoxicology and quantification of ecotoxicological risk
Part 2: Environmental toxicology and health impacts
Notice : Students who wish to choose the renewable energy and sustainable construction programme in the second year will follow, in the second term, 30 credits from term 2 of the Master of Sustainable Development (Energy and Environmental track) at the University of Luxembourg, as set out in the joint-degree agreement between the two universities. The 30 course credits to be followed at ULiège during the first term will be decided, with the agreement of the Jury, on the basis of the compulsory classes in the first year.

With the jury¿s agreement and for duly substantiated reasons, courses in the specialised Masters in Environmental Sciences and Management may be replaced by courses chosen from programmes in other parts of the Faculty of Sciences, other faculties, or other universities.

Block 2

Finalité uniquement accessible aux étudiants inscrits au master avant l'année académique 2021-2022.


Cours obligatoires de la finalité

ENVT0055-1Methodology and sampling
ENVT3020-1Tools for measuring environmental parameters : hydrosphere, geosphere - Land contamination and degradation and biosphere
ENVT3021-1Tools for measuring environmental parameters : atmosphereQ1   7
Part 1 : Ambient air quality
Part 2 : Odors from the environment
Part 3 : Noise
Part 4 : Ionizing and non ionizing radiations
ENVT3022-1Tools for measuring environmental parameters : energy flows
ENVT3023-1Information representationQ1   4
Part 1 : Indicators
Part 2 : Indentification of systems
Part 3 : Spatial information
ENVT3024-1Environmental data processing
ENVT3025-1Environment and healthQ1   3
Part 1 : Indoor air quality
Part 2 : Waterborne diseases
Part 3 : Impact on humain health
Notice : The list of refresher courses aimed at students who have direct access to the 2nd year of the Masters with a possible addition to the programme is available from the Jury or from the student services of the Faculty of Sciences.

Cours obligatoires du tronc commun


Cours au choix du tronc commun

Specialised courses


With the jury¿s agreement, choose one or more courses to support the dissertation for a total of 5 credits from:

ENVT0154-1Internship or civic service
[...] by means of reinforcing specific skills, courses in the Masters in Environmental Sciences and Management-
[...] or the courses from another programme-

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année

Additional ECTS Master in environmental science and management - organized in Arlon (120 ECTS)


Optional courses

Depending on the student's previous training and with the agreement of the jury, choose courses for a maximum of 14 credits among the following :

ENVT0060-1Introduction to environmental sociology, Part 1: Approaches in environmental sociology Q188-2
ECON0944-1Elements of economy for environmental sciences Q1202-2
ENVT0048-2Statistics applied to the environment: introduction to the statistical approach and aspects of univariate statistics Q11515-3
LANG2972-1English 1 - Level 1 (english language) - [10h Monitored reading] Q11010[+]2
LANG2973-1English 2 - Level 1 (english language) - [10h Monitored reading] Q21010[+]2
ENVT0062-1Introduction to chemistry and environmental biology Q1264-4
ENVT0896-1Introduction to environmental physics and thermodynamics Q12812-4