2024-2025 / University certificate

The management of polluted soils (not organised in 2023-2024)

22 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Compulsory courses

RCER0029-1How the natural earth-water system operates: understanding the initial system; understanding natural flows Q136--3
RCER0030-1How contaminated sites and soils operate 30--3
ACER0069-1Drilling, sampling and good practice - [15h Autres]
RCER0031-1Analytical characterisation 18--2
RCER0032-1Geophysics - monitoring pollution: non-invasive techniques
RCER0033-1Regional aspects: legal, historical and spatial framework Q127--2
ACER0070-1ON SITE and EX SITU remediation techniques - [18h Autres]
ACER0071-1IN SITU remediation techniques 27--2
ACER0072-1Risk analysis: ecosystems / soil / water; according to regions 36--3
RCER0034-1Conferences and site visits 24--2