2024-2025 / University certificate

Advanced Pratices in Stroke Rehabilitation

15 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Compulsory courses

MCER2196-1In-depth medical approach to cerebrovascular accidents - [24h internship] TA22-[+]2
MCER2197-1In-depth neurological rehabilitation techniques TA4823-4
MCER2198-1Cross-cutting and multidisciplinary treatment of cerebrovascular accidents
Sophie Bechet, Stephen Bornheim, Manon Docquier, Soraya El Khouda, Tom Fischer, Dominique Gabriel, Aude Lagier, Géraldine Lepuits, Aurélie Linnekens, Julien Ly, Bérangère Maillard, Doriane Pelzer, Magali Quinet, Lise Thèrer
MSTG9104-1Internships - [88h internship] TA--[+]4
MTRA9027-1End-of-training work - [130h Autres] TA--[+]3