2024-2025 / University certificate

Clinical test (next session in 2023-2024)

15 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Compulsory courses

MCER2101-1Theory coursesTA   10
Part I: First meeting class and reminder of basic principles adapted to the theme of clinical trials  22-- 
Part II: Designing a clinical trial  38-- 
Part III: Methodology of clinical trials  16-- 
Part IV: Publishing results and Evidence Based Medicine  6-- 
Part V: Translational research, pharmaco-epidemiology, biobanks and data management
Jonathan Cimino
MSTG9072-1Internship - [40h internship]
MTRA9013-1Thesis TA---3