2024-2025 / Advanced Master

Anaesthesia - Intensive Care

300 crédits

Cycle view

  • Bloc
  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Compulsory courses

ANES2042-1Inter-university teaching of anaesthesiology-resuscitation: Basic aspects, including participation in Graduation Day and the annual congress of the Belgian Society for Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation B1TA75--10
ANES2025-1University teaching of anaesthesiology-resuscitation, Part 1B1TA   10
Eléments de physique, chimie, physiologie, physiopathologie et techniques de l'A-R, y compris les techniques d'anesthésie locorégionale et les cas particuliers, anesthésie pratique et spécialités, physiologie et prise en charge de la douleur
Physiologie et pharmacologie de la douleur
Groupes sanguins et transfusion
ANES2126-1Specific university teaching, Part IB1TA   5
Pharmacology of the anaesthesia - intensive care   20-- 
Elements of hematology, including coagulation
ANES4001-1Supervised exercises in anaesthesia-intensive care, B1 B1TA-34-5
MSTG2027-1Training in clinical practice including on-duty in Anaesthetics-Intensive Care and Intra-hospital emergency care, B1 - [11half-d internship] B1TA--[+]30
ANES2043-1Inter-university teaching of anaesthesiology-resuscitation: Practical anaesthesia and specialities, including participation in Graduation Day and the annual congress of the Belgian Society for Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation B2TA75--9
ANES2029-1University teaching of anaesthesiology-resuscitation, Part IIB2   10
Elements of physics, chemistry, physiology, physiopathology and techniques of anaesthesia, including locoregional anaesthetic and specific cases, practical anaesthesia and specialities, physiology and pain management
Physiology and pharmacology of pain
Blood groups and transfusion
ANES4006-1OLA (Online Assessment) of the European Diploma in Aneasthesiology and Intensive Care (EDAIC) and/or EDAIC Part I (english language)
ANES2226-1Specific university teaching, Part IIB2TA   5
Pharmacology of the anaesthesia - intensive care   20-- 
Elements of hematology, including coagulation
ANES4002-1Supervised exercises in anaesthesia-intensive care, B2, including ALS training B2TA-50-5
MSTG2230-1Training in clinical practice including on-duty in Anaesthetics-Intensive Care and Intra-hospital emergency care, B2 - [11half-d internship] B2TA--[+]30
ANES4003-1Supervised exercises in anaesthesia-intensive care, B3, including EPALS training B3TA-53-10
MTRA9018-1Final work: initialisation
MSTG2235-1Training in clinical practice including on-duty in Anaesthetics-Intensive Care and Intra- and Extra-hospital emergency care, B3 - [11half-d internship] B3TA--[+]40
ANES2044-1Interuniversity teaching in Intensive Care (Part 1) including participation in Graduation Day and the annual congress of the Belgian Society for Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation B4TA72--5
ANES4004-1Supervised exercises in anaesthesia-intensive care, B4, including ultrasound B4TA-53-10
MTRA9025-1Final dissertation, written work
MSTG2238-1Training in clinical practice including on-duty in Anaesthetics-Intensive Care and Intra- and Extra-hospital emergency care, B4 - [11half-d internship] B4TA--[+]40
ANES2045-1Interuniversity teaching in Intensive Care (Part 2) including participation in Graduation Day and the annual congress of the Belgian Society for Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation B5TA72--5
ANES2539-1Specific university teaching B5TA20--5
MTRA9025-2Final dissertation, oral defence and/or publication in a scientific journal
ANES4005-1Supervised exercises in anaesthesia-intensive care, B5, including ETC training B5TA-34-5
MEDE3001-1Cross-cutting courses: Patient communication, quality of care, factual medicine, electronic data management and clinical leadership - [16h Seminar] B5TA--[+]5
SIMU0106-1Procedural workshops and applied simulations in Anaesthetics-Resuscitation, Block 5 B5TA-30-5
MSTG2241-1Training in clinical practice including on-duty in Anaesthetics-Intensive Care and Intra- and Extra-hospital emergency care, B5 - [11half-d internship] B5TA--[+]30