2024-2025 / University certificate

Animal mediation and connections to nature (next session in 2023-2024)

14 crédits

Cycle view

  • Bloc
  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Compulsory courses

HTRA0016-1Thesis B1TA14484-12
HSTG0022-1Internship - [40h internship] B1TA--[+]2

Module 1: Introduction to animal ethology (15h TH 9h PR) 1 credit

Core curriculum

- Humans among other living things (Fany Brotcorne)
- Social ethology and ethological methods (Fany Brotcorne)
- Physiology of sense organs in domestic mammals (horses, dogs, cats), in relation to their behaviour (T. Art)
- Physiology and ethology of dogs (Cl. Diedrich)
- Practical exercises in ethological observation 1 (Fany Brotcorne)
- Practical exercises in ethological observation 2 (Fany Brotcorne)

Module 2: Acting respectfully: practicing interactions with animals (1 credit)

Core curriculum

- Animals and philosophy, V. Despret (3h TH)

¿Animal mediation and relations with nature¿ section
- Creating collaborative spaces with horses (Guillaume Antoine)
- Principles of learning in dogs: from operant conditioning to phenomenology, B. de Villers and V. Ipsen (3h TH 6h PR)

¿Equine mediation section
- Learning theories applied to horses (Marc Pierard) - 9h TH
- Learning theories applied to horses (Marc Pierard) Practical application - 9h PR
- Elements in mounted work for option 2 (Patrick Guilmot) - 3h PR

Module 3: Structures that link us to animals: culture, imagination and communication (12h TH, 12h PR) 1 credit

Core curriculum

- Animal law, Vincent Chapaux (3h TH)
- Anthropology of human-animal communication, V. Servais (3h Th)
- Empathy in inter-species relations: a psychological and phenomenological approach, M. Vidal (6h TH, 6h PR)

Continuation of the section chosen from:
¿Animal mediation and relationships with nature" section
- Mindfulness and relationships with animals, P. Guilmot (6h PR)

¿Equine mediation¿ section
- Techniques and sensitivity relationships with horses (Patrick Guilmot) - 6h PR

Module 4: Animal mediation systems and their assessment (18h TH, 6h PR) 1 credit

Core curriculum

- Ethics and animal welfare, Claire Diedrich (3h TH)
- The problem of evaluation in animal mediation projects, V. Servais (3h TH)
- The multiplicity of animal mediation systems in institutions, B. de Villers (3h TH)
- Homework: reading (9h TH)
- Animal mediation systems and evaluation: seminar (3h PR)

Continuation of the section chosen from:

[Animal mediation and relations with nature section
- Overview of interventions involving animals, particularly dogs, A. Mignot (3h TH)

¿Equine mediation¿ section
- Overview of activities involving animals, particularly horses, A. Mignot (3h TH)

Module 5: Mediation and collaboration spaces (15h TH, 9h PR) 1 credit

Core curriculum

- Introduction to mediation, Ch. Servais (2h TH)
- Conference on animal mediation, V. Servais (1h TH)
- Sociology of animal mediation systems, Jérôme Michalon (3h TH)
- The notion of intermediate space in animal mediation and relationships with nature, V. Servais (3h TH)
- The construction of an intervention framework involving animals and/or nature, B. de Villers (3h TH)
- A critical history of animal confinement, V. Pouillard (6h TH)
- Further reading (6h PR)

Module 6: Continuation of the section chosen from:

Animal mediation and relationships with nature component]
- Eco-psychology and relationships with nature (18h TH, 30h PR) 2 credits
- Horses, nature and Snoezelen, L. Farine (6h PR)
- Introduction to environmental psychology, N. (3h TH)
- Ecotraining and ecopsychology, G. Lauters (6h TH, 6h PR)
- Centred walking and the experience of nature in nature, L. Farine (3h TH, 12h PR)
- Practical exercises and seminar on critical analysis of our relationship with nature (6h TH, 6h PR)

Equine mediation section
- Horses, nature and Snoezelen (Laurence Farine) 6h PR
- Ethology of the horse - (Marc Pierard, Patrick Guilmot) 18h
- Gestalt therapy and equine mediation (Veerle Maes) 9h
- Equine mediation accounting for trauma (Veerle Maes) 9h
- Where neuroscience meets equine mediation (Charlène Leconstant) 6h

Module 7: Practical openings and experience sharing (24h TH) 1 credit

Core curriculum

- Systemic approach to support and animal mediation, C. Picqueray (3h TH)
- Working with horses in rehabilitation, G. Senterre, Hippopassion (3h TH)
- Animals and the psychology of trauma, including violence and abuse, B. de Villers (3h TH)
- Autism and pony mediation: methods for free interactions, A. Lorin de Reure (3h TH)
- Educational farms and animal mediation (3h TH)
- Working with animals other than dogs and horses, V. Ipsen (3h TH)

Continuation of the section chosen from:

¿Animal mediation and relations with nature¿ section
- Working with your dog using a psychotherapeutic approach, N. Fossier-Varney (6h TH)

¿Equine mediation¿ section
Equine mediation and professional experience (Patrick Guilmot) - 6h TH

Module 8: Reflective practice and analysis of professional situations (24h TH) 1 credit

Core curriculum

- Critical autobiography of our relationships with animals, throughout the year (12h TH)

Continuation of the section chosen from:

¿Animal mediation and relationships with nature¿ section
- Supervision (Bénédicte de Villers) - 6h TH
- Analysis of group professional situations, Constant Picqueray (3h TH)
- Exercise on professional positioning (Véronique Servais) - 3h TH

¿Equine mediation¿ section
- Supervision - 6h TH
- Intervision (Sylvie Drèze) - 6h TH