2024-2025 / Certificate

Inter university certificate in vulnerable debtors law (not organised in 2022-2023)

15 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Compulsory courses

DCER0099-1Communication strategies, including difficult conversations and Team Working (theory and practice)
- Module 1
Presentation of potential vulnerabilities and useful international conventions (+ justiciability of social rights), by V. Flohimont (UNamur) and J. Neven (lawyer, ULB)
- Module 2:
Specific vulnerabilities, by A. Tasiaux (UNamur), G. Mathieu (UNamur) and M. Beague (UNamur)
- Module 3:
Major debtors benefiting from protective measures: lawyer + magistrate
- Module 4:
Debtors and civil debts (civil responsibility, consumer contracts, etc.), by E. Vanstechelman (UNamur)
- Module 5:
Debtors and debt mediation (+ drafting a plan), by J. Hubin (Uliège)
- Module 6:
Debtors and credit debts: C. Biquet (Uliège)
- Module 7:
Debtors and seizures, by Jean-François Van Drooghenbroack (UCL)
- Module 8:
Debtors, tax liabilities and social debts, by E. Vanstechelman (UNamur) and E. Dermine (ULB)
- Module 9:
Social assistance and unemployment + bridging aid for self-employed (¿droit passerelle des indépendants¿), by H. Mormont (ULB)
- Module 10:
Debtors and the digital divide by H. Jacquemin (UNamur)
- Module 11:
Debtors and criminal law (particularly criminal debts, the issue of prisoners, etc.), by N. Colette (UNamur)

- Practical work on the collective debt settlements, by J. Hubin (coordination)
- Practical work on the order process