2024-2025 / Certificate

Executive master in essential oils and entrepreneurship

15 credits

Programme content

In the first module, participants will receive an overview of essential oils, while in the second module they will involve their knowledge in learning activities on entrepreneurship and market-oriented framework. The third module will be devoted to a personal work based on the obtained knowledge. All the modules begin with the descriptors of the unit, that specify the requirements, learning outcomes and guidelines to satisfactory complete the tasks.


Module 1 (9 ECTS)

  • Unit 1 : Introduction and definition of EOs
  • Unit 2 : Source of EOs, plant cultivation and collection
  • Unit 3 : Post-harvesting and processing techniques
  • Unit 4 : Quality control and regulations
  • Unit 5 : Biological activites in EOs
  • Unit 6 : Food/Flavour and Cosmetic applications

Module 2 - Entrepreneurship (3 ECTS)

E-learning training : New Challenges and Applications in Essential Oils Market-Entrepreneurship

  • Unit 1 : Entrepreneurial and innvative ecosystem
  • Unit 2 : Opportunity analysis

Module 3 - Personal work (3 ECTS)

Individual and personal work on a particular aspect of EO (subject to be validated by the professor): Business Plan Proposal or Research work.

  • Template with a research or business plan
  • Freestyle video describing the research or business plan proposal (max. 5 minutes) or 5 minutes power point with registered comments: Exhibition of idea. The following shall be evaluated: Originality, Problem-Solution Definition, Successful Solution Definition, Leads - target, Idea Innovation, Exposition and defence [Originality], Exposure and defence [Concretion]
  • Other highlights - DELIVERY of PESTEL, DAFO and CANVAS, RESEARCH METHODS, etc.