2024-2025 / Master

Multilingual communication, professional focus in digital media education (Digital media education)

120 credits

Programme content

Not a single course in French, but not an entirely English programme either! An even broader welcome to a multilingual audience, attracted not only by this programme, but also our city, our heritage and our culture!

Distribution of Courses and Credits

  • Common Courses (30 credits), taught entirely in English
  • Foreign Language Modules (40 credits), 20 credits per language, students can choose from English, German, Dutch and Spanish
  • Specialist focus on Digital Media Education (30 credits), taught entirely in English
  • Dissertation (20 credits)


Communication, Foreign Languages and Media Education: an Interdisciplinary Course Programme

  • A high level of specialisation in the field of communication, where digital devices and a multilingual context are combined in all languages.
  • A programme designed to teach various audiences to evolve in a complex media universe, where informed and responsible citizens need reference points and beacons to produce and decipher the digital content that is omnipresent in the professional and private spheres.

... at the Crossroads of Theory and Practice

The two approaches are constantly intertwined. From critical discourse analysis to the creation of transmedia objects,  solid practical training complements theoretical reflection, offering a perspective of a discipline that aims to train media and cultural actors capable of meeting the ever-evolving challenges of our time.

ULiège Expertise

Media education is a discipline that has been developed for many years within the Media, Culture and Communication Department, as well as in a transversal way within other partner departments of the Master's degree. Media and film analysis, visual semiotics, rhetoric, information and communication didactics and digital humanities all come together to influence our research in the field of media literacy, which is at the heart of several scientific and pedagogical projects within the ULiège Faculty of Philosophy and Letters.






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