2024-2025 / Certificate

"Humanitarian surgery in austere environments" interuniversity certificate

10 credits

Programme content




The interuniversity certificate "Humanitarian surgery in austere environments" is a program comprising:

  • A preparatory work by the student.
  • 90 hours of classes given face-to-face and in English

Preparatory work by the student

1. Review of human anatomy, with particular respect to musculo-skeletal and vascular anatomy (75h)

2. International Humanitarian Laws - IHL (ICRC e-learning training Centre) (15h)

  • a - Basic rules and principles of IHL (8 modules with evaluation)
  • b - Thematic module 1: health care in danger, the legal framework
  • c - Thematic module 2: rights and responsibilities of health-care personnel in armed conflicts and other emergencies C) ICRC* textbooks (2 volumes) on war surgery (75h)

3. ICRC* textbooks (2 volumes) on war surgery (75h)

* Manuel de chirurgie humanitaire (Manuel for Humanitarian surgery) (M. Ledecq, éditions Lavoisier)

* Top Knife. The art and craft of trauma surgery (Hirshberg and Mattox, Castle Hill Barns editors)

Humanitarian Surgery Course

1. Course program (90h)

  • Introduction to humanitarian medicine and surgery
  • War surgery module
  • Resuscitation and anaesthesia module
  • Head, neck and spine surgery module
  • Plastic surgery module
  • Thoracic surgery module
  • Vascular surgery module
  • Abdominal surgery module
  • Urologic surgery module
  • Obstetrics module
  • Paediatric surgery module
  • Orthopaedic trauma
  • Logistics, pharmaceutics and specific questions
  • Hand-on lab
  • Evaluation

2. Course study (40h)

3. Course evaluation (5h)



The classes shall be given in English.

The training is organised face-to-face and alternates between : 

  • Theory
  • A minimum of 25% of case studies
  • Simulation exercises (table top exercise, hands-on lab, practical exercise of sorting mass casualties, etc.)

Each training module is carried out by two instructors : an academic and a field expert in order to guarantee both the university charachter of the classes and their integrative dimension.



The evaluation test includes two parts : 

  • A written examination on the theory
  • A discussion before a panel of two examiners on a clinical case presented to the student

Added value

Key program benefits

  • Unique offer in Belgium
  • Instruction given in English
  • Supplementary program to those already in existence in Europe
  • Multi-skill training wich deals with various aspects of emergency humanitarian surgery
  • Teaching staff combining the expertise of field specialists with that of leading experts in trauma and obstetrical surgery
  • A certificate which will enable you to possibly take part in surgical missions within the leading humanitarian NGOs
  • A timetable suited to professionally active individuals

Learning outcomes

At the end of the training the participant will in particular be able to :

  • Understand the characteristics and the limits of performing surgery in the austere conditions of humanitarian medicine.
  • Become familiar with the medico-surgical skills for the management of war wounds and crush injuries.
  • Perform a range of surgical procedures, including management of extremity injuries, trauma, amputations, damage control surgery and damage control resuscitation.
  • Manage obstetric and gynaecological emergencies including knowledge regarding when and how to fafely perform a caesarean section.
  • Handle the normal range of surgical emergencies affecting a civilian population in resource constrained environments.
  • Become familiar with a range of anaesthesia and resuscitation techniques adapted to local conditions and basic equipment available.
  • Make resource based triage decisions;
  • Recognize the different sources of stress in austere environments, recognize symptoms of stress and know the different coping mechanisms to deal with the stress.
  • Know the prerequisites to perform quality surgery in austere settings( infrastructure, logistics, basic labs, blood transfusion, water and energy requirements).
  • Manage intercultural and safety/security issues.