2024-2025 / Master

Management, professional focus in Impact Entrepreneurship (Erasmus Mundus : Impact Entrepreneurship)

120 credits

Programme content

The mission of this master is to contribute to the education of a new generation of impact entrepreneurs. Its ultimate vision is to contribute to the creation of an inclusive economy driven by equity values that give meaning to living together by creating human, ecological and economic value through an entrepreneurial approach.


The EMMIE curriculum is built on a 90 ECTS program spread over 18 months and organized by three of the best European Business Schools.  The program is organized into three semesters. The first semester is in Zagreb, the second semester in Vilnius, and the third semester in Liège.

During the first semester in Croatia, participants will get the required basics in General Management. They will develop the key managerial competencies that any would-be entrepreneur should master.

They will move for the second semester to Lithuania to study the key concepts related to the management of technology and innovation. Building core competencies in innovation is essential, since implementing impactful projects requires creativity and innovation.

Participants will finish the curriculum with the 3rd semester in Belgium, at HEC Liège - ULiège. In that final semester, they will acquire the essential competencies that are related to entrepreneurship with a specific slant toward impactful projects.

Transversal activities

In parallel to the curricula that will be delivered in each country, participants will be engaged in several transversal activities.

Seminars, conferences, networking with associate partners as well as local and international institutions, to develop the participants' understanding of the key challenges associated with the 17 SDGs and to expose them to impactful entrepreneurial projects. The objectives will not only be to develop their competencies, but also to inspire them about possible entrepreneurial projects to develop during the program and to help them build a relevant network of contacts.

Participants must develop their own entrepreneurial projects with impact during the program. They are supposed to write a feasibility analysis (business plan) of such projects in the setting of a capstone master thesis. During the process, participants will be coached by entrepreneurs and experts. The jury of the project will be composed of a representative of each partner institution. At the end of the program, participants will have to pitch their project in front of entrepreneurs and potential investors. If they intend to create a company in relation to their project, they will be offered the possibility to be incubated into one of the incubators associated with partner institutions.

The publication of an online Impact Entrepreneurship Magazine: students will be involved in the writing and editing of a special quarterly magazine dedicated to Impact Entrepreneurship, under the coordination of an editorial committee. The Magazine will be a tool of dissemination, through the social networks of EMMIE and of each partner institution.

Added value

  • L'importance accordée aux langues étrangères et à l'internationalisation dans la formation

    Un enseignement en master soit complètement en anglais, soit bilingue français-anglais, et la maîtrise d'une seconde langue étrangère, un séjour en 1er bloc de master dans une des 152 universités partenaires dans 41 pays (47% disposant d'une accréditation au minimum parmi EQUIS, AACSB et EPAS et 10% disposant de la prestigieuse triple accréditation), une politique de double diplômation avec des universités étrangères...

  • Une formation qui combine les compétences universitaires transversales

    Des compétences nécessaires au bon développement d'une carrière dans le monde économique, en entreprise ou dans les organisations professionnelles (adaptabilité, flexibilité, curiosité intellectuelle, ouverture sur le monde, créativité, esprit entrepreneurial, communication, investissement et parcours personnel, ancrage dans le réel, apprentissage continu)

  • Des ateliers de compétences uniques en Belgique francophone

    Structure pédagogique originale permettant d'acquérir et de valider diverses compétences pratiques au sein d'une grande variété d'ateliers transdisciplinaires vous permettant de développer des soft skills (capacité de communication, de négociation, de leadership...), de construire un projet professionnel, d'acquérir des compétences opérationnelles, de personnaliser votre formation... À terme, vous recevrez, en complément à votre diplôme, un document reprenant toutes les compétences acquises.

En Faculté

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+ 32 (0)4 366 56 74



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