2024-2025 / Certificate

Executive master in Law and Artificial Intelligence

15 credits

Programme content


Legal, political and ethical challenges

The "digitalization" of our lives poses a real challenge for the law, given that the rules currently in force may turn out to be unsuitable or insufficient to cope with this new reality.

This could have an impact on all aspects of the law, including liability law (civil/criminal, contractual/non-contractual), intellectual property, trade secrets, competition, consumer protection, privacy protection, insurance law and judicial law. Sooner or later, the changes brought about by AI will affect every single area.

The aim of this programme is to help legal advisers and publlic policymakers better understand these changes, anticipate them and guide them where appropriate.

Multidisciplinary training (both legal and technical)

To grasp AI's impact on our society, it is worth learning about the technical aspects as well: understanding how an algorithm works, getting to grips with IT jagon, understanding what is meant by "deep learning", "neural network", and so on. This is also about teaching legal advisers about technology. Legal advisers and policymakers need to have a working understanding of technological concepts in order to provide better counsel to their clients, companies or public authorities.

With this in mind, the courses are run by both legal advisers and technical experts. The technical experts use concrete, understandable language to shed light on changes in our society and the huge potential of AI and cognitive technologies.

Special emphasis is placed on sector where AI is growing the most at the moment: mobility, finance, healthcare and legal services.



The programme is entirely taught in English and is divided into four blocks of 20 modules. Students who pass all the modules will be awarded an "Executive Master" of 15 credits.


BLOCK 1 - AI Fundamentals - 12 hours (2 ECTS)

This first block is divided in four modules. The basis of artificial intellingence and the latest resarch in technologies will be presented in the context of policy, law and regulatory issues.

Facing the lack of knowledge in this area, the aim of "Building blocks" is to introduce Artificial Intelligence as a Science. In other words, to offer participants knowledge and understanding of the Science of AI and its utility, mechanism and capacity for our society.

Module 1 - First Dive into AI Science

  • How to characterize AI: Edge between Science and engineering of making machines
  • What is Machine intelligence via learning?
  • What is Supervised Learning
  • How does Artificial Neural Networks work
  • How do you process Deep Learning?
  • What are the different uses with Big Data?
  • Do you know Natural Language Processing (NLP)?
  • Antitrust Cases in AI Science
  • The role of Unsupervised Learning in Antitrust Cases
  • What are the regulatory issues for cognitive technology and AI?
  • General legal options in relation to AI
  • AI technology introduction in the Public Sector
  • What is good Public Administration
  • How does AI intervene in Pubic Administration efficiency?

 Module 2 - Public Policy and Regulation

  • Introduction: AI as a discipline
  • Great diversity of AI applications
  • Economic impact of AI
  • European approach to AI
  • Artificial Intelligence for Europe
  • European R and D strategy
  • General safety framework for robots and AI powered
  • Defective Products Liability Directive
  • Privacy
  • Data quality and integrity
  • Competition policy
  • Transparency
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Ethical challenges of AI
  • The AI High Level Expert Group - 52 Experts
  • The European AI Alliance
  • Ethical Guidelines for AI
  • What to regulate
  • How to regulate
  • Regulation by whom

Module 3 - Initiation to Algorithm Design


  • What is AI? Examples of AI
  • Why is AI important? (+ Ethics and legal implications)
  • How does it work?
  • Machine Learning
  • "Data Culture"
  • A feeling of possibility


  • What to do? Detecting opportunities
  • How to choose an AI project
  • Workflow of an I project
  • Case

Module 4 - Ethics and AI

  • AI Ethics: an Introduction
  • Ethics 101: Why are we talking about Ethics?
  • Main ethical theories
  • Ethical relativism?
  • Ethics of AI
  • Disambiguation: Ethics of AI/Machine Ethics
  • Ethics and the Law
  • challenges to govern "AI"
  • From Ethics to Policy and Law
  • An STS approach to AI Ethics
  • AI Ethics put to Practice: Policy, Law and Use-cases
  • The EU Approach to Ethical AI
  • Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI
  • Beyond the EU border
  • Use Cases

The courses will allocate resources to respond both academic and law firm' needs. Besides, synergies between these two sectors are considered to be essential for the project aims accomplishment. In the first module, participants will receive an overview of Artificial Intelligence as an introduction.


BLOCK 2 - Law of AI - 18 hours (3 ECTS)

This second block is divided in eight modules. The participants will learn about the law of AI and the regulations that are created around the development of AI.

Facing the lack of knowledge in this area, the aim of "Law of AI" is to present the theories of law in the understanding of AI and cognitive technologies. Essential topics such as AI an Liability, GDPR, Cybersecurity, IP and so on...

Module 5 - EU regulation : The AI act

Module 6 - Liability


  • Definitions matter, Autonomy and Electronic personhood
  • EU Directive on liability for defective products
  • A law and economic analysis of prodct liability
  • Alternatives: Risk-Management
  • Separating the functions of liability rules
  • The October 2020 proposal fo the EU Parliament
  • Cases studies


  • EU safety and liability frameworks
  • Principles of the EU safety and liability frameworks
  • Main concepts of the directive
  • Recent findings

Module 7 - Data protection

  • Introduction: context of personal data regulation and privacy and its relationship with AI
  • Evolving data protection reform causes and correlations
  • Data and AI - Soft law, getting harder
  • GDPR applies to "processing" of "personal data"
  • GDPR
  • First cases/decisions

Module 8 - Competition and Consumer Protection

  • AI and Data related Competition Policy developments in Europe
  • Algorithm, Data and Competition Law
  • Background
  • Competition law issues raised by AI
  • Risk of tacit colllusion
  • Price discrimination
  • How competition agencies might be able to use AI as a tool in their work?
  • Market based/tech solutions
  • Could or should we use AI systems to solve those problems?

Module 9 - AI and law enforcement

  • Introduction: AI Compliance Tools and Applications
  • Detection tools
  • Prediction tools for facts
  • Prediction tools for legal outcomes
  • Automated adjudication tools
  • Execution tools
  • Conclusions
  • References

Module 10 - Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property

  • What is IP right?
  • Trademarks
  • Patents
  • Copyrights
  • Design rights
  • What is AI?
  • Relevant concepts
  • Are AI creations protectable by IPRS?
  • Copyrights
  • AI generated works
  • Authorship
  • Patnents
  • Patentability AI
  • AI Co-inventorship
  • Ethics and AI
  • To a new patent system
  • Processing, Mining (and Producing) Data in the EU: A Copyright Perspective
  • Data and Copyright
  • Data Processing
  • Data Mining
  • Data Production

Module 11 - Cybersecurity

  • What is Cybersecurity?
  • AI and Cybersecurity: legal perspective
  • Case Study
  • Legal perspective
  • Legal impact of AI
  • AI as issue for GDPR compliance
  • AI in inverstivation and prosecution
  • AI in court : mind the gap
  • AE within Security and Microsoft's approach to security
  • Security built on intelligence
  • Technical perspective of Cybersecurity
  • Security and Privacy by Design
  • Cybersecurity and AI
  • AI as a tool to defend
  • AI as a vulnerable object
  • Encryption: hiding training date
  • Model itegrity
  • Entity authentication
  • Phishing Security is necessary for privacy
  • What is privacy for whom?
  • The theory of Contextual Integrity
  • Privacy and AI
  • Federated learning

Module 12 - Labour market and labour law

BLOCK 3 - AI in practice - 18 hours (3 ECTS)

The third block is divided in seven modules. The participants will learn about different ways that AI is used and implemented in the legal sector.

Facing the lack of knowledge in the area, the aim of "AI Applications" is to present the different use of AI and how it can be developed to answer a specific need throughout solutions. The participants have learned about the theories and concepts of law and AI, they will now understand its application as a technology serving a purpose.

Module 13 - AI Applications for Lawyers

  • AI, big data and open data: challenges and opportunities
  • Drivers for increasing success AI
  • Expert Systems and AI applications in LegalTech
  • Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
  • Ethic of Algorithms
  • Open legal data
  • Open case law
  • Legaltech in practice
  • Digital transformation
  • Tailor-made solutions for your compagny
  • Customized Business Applications
  • Document Analysis and review
  • Retrieving online information
  • Legal Inference Transformation Engine

Module 14 - AI contracting

Module 15 - Implementing an AI Project in My Organisation

  • What's your level of artificial intelligence understanding?
  • How mature is your organisation in terms of artificial intelligence integration?
  • What are your expectations for this session?
  • The need for automation
  • The automation ladder
  • What is Artificial Intelligence?
  • Sofware development
  • Business case of Sagacify

Module 16 - Coding for Lawyers

During the first lecture you will learn the basic principles of coding:

  • Sequence of instructions
  • Loops and repetitions
  • Conditonal execution
  • Variables

You will learn these constructions while step by step implementing an algorithm to escape from any maze.

In the second lecture you will further practice coding:

  • Exercises on writing small programs
  • Functions as a tool for abstraction
  • Manually build a classification system

The lecture will be wrapped up by connecting the new insights you gained into programming and with AI applications such as text classification.

Module 17 - Beyond AI: Blockchain and Digital currencies


  • Blockchain History
  • What's a Blockchain?
  • Where does it comes from?
  • How does a Blockchain works?
  • Blockchain transcaction
  • Blockchain Principles
  • Blockchain Concepts
  • Paying with cryptocurrencies
  • Using Bitcoin
  • Hard wallet
  • Blockchain projects


  • Exploring some blockchain concepts : Crypto-assets: NFTs, Smart Contracts
  • Blockchain and law : NFTs and legal implications, Liability, Blockchain and Data Protection
  • Blockchain regulation

Module 18 - Smart Contracts

  • Building our own cryptocurrency with a smart contract
  • Ethereum platform and smart contracts
  • Introduction on Smart Contracts
  • What are Smart Contracts?
  • Pros and Cons
  • Smart Contracts in different domains
  • Legal Smart Contracts
  • The Future

Module 19 - Economic regulation and competition policy in the metaverse


BLOCK 4 - Vertical approach : Industry, sectors and professions - 12 hours (2 ECTS)

This fourth block is divided in fives modules. The participants will learn about the use of AI in different sectors and industry.

Facing the lack of knowledge in this area, the aim of "Industry, sectors and professions" is to present the different use of AI as a solution in variable practices. AI bring solutions to those sectors for its specificity. The participants have learned about the theories and concepts of law and AI, the AI Applications as a legal tool. They will now verify its usefelness in different industry and sectors linked to legal purposes.

Module 20 - Mobility and AI

  • Introduction to Smart Mobility
  • Artificial Intelligence in the automotive sector
  • Analysing the impact of algorithms in the automotive industry and on insurance company
  • EU Regulatory approach to AI - Critical issues for our industry : Commission's White Paper on AI, European Parliament Draft Reports on AI related aspects
  • Conclusion

Module 21 - Healthcare and Life Sciences

  • AI in Healthcare: principles, applications (augmented medicine), challenges and future directions
  • Identifying health issues through the analysis of digital data
  • Analysing medical images
  • Analysing genomics in the context of the advent of personalized medicine
  • Ethics in data
  • AI use cases in healthcare

Module 22 - Finance and AI

  • General introduction: AI as a Technology
  • Machine Learning Landscape
  • What has changed?
  • Three types of Machine Learning
  • General Legal and Ethical principles and considerations
  • Trustworthy AI
  • AI Adoption in Finance : Where are we today?
  • Uses Cases:
  • AI Powered Predictive Analytics
  • Hyper-personalization
  • Intelligent Process Optmizations (Back-Office)
  • How and where shoud FSI's start? Tips, Tricks and advice on how to start with AI

Module 23 - Standardization and AI

Module 24 - Legal services

  • AI modernising the legal profession
  • Crucial challenges for legal services and legal professions
  • The need for a strategic vision of lawyering
  • Lawyers need Strategic Analysis
  • AI and (more globaly) Tech as a challenge and a solution for lawyers
  • How does Tech change lawyers' tasks?
  • Changing the way lawyers work
  • Legal Talent Management
  • The European context of LegalTech
  • Pseudonymisation, anonymisation and differential privacy
  • Online pubilication of machine-readable court records: a milestone in the transformation of the law
  • AI and negotiation/mediation
  • AI and arbitration
  • AI through the eyes of a company lawyer.



1 - Evaluation of Blocks 1 and 2

At the end of block 1 and block 2, students will receive bia the "My BSC" learning platform an individual take-home exam to be return two weeks later (e.g. case studies, multiple choixe questions, etc.).

2 - End-of-year work

During the year, the student will identify a subject of his/her choice related to AI law. The final project can take one of the following two forms:

  • if the subject is more theoretical, the student can write a dissertation (about 20 pages)
  • if the subject is more technical and/or practical, the student can choose to give an oral presentation in front of a jury (e.g. business case, AI application to be developped by your organisation, LegalTech project, etc.)


To earn the Executive Master in Law and AI diploma, studentsd must:

  • Be enrolled for the full programme (20 modules)
  • Earn a grade of at least 10/20 for the block 1 exam and block 2 exam
  • Earn a grade of at least 10/20 for their end-of-year work