2024-2025 / Master

MSc. in Civil Engineering, professional focus in urban and environmental engineering

120 credits

Programme content


The economic activity of a society depends to a large extent on the quality and density of its means of communication and production, which are essential for human exchanges and activity, in accordance with the natural environment. The civil engineer must, on the one hand, be able to deal with wind, snow, floods, landslides and earthquakes and, on the other hand, ensure the integration of the work carried out in the natural environment, whether it is a bridge, a dam or a waste storage center.

The impact of a building or a road in terms of energy consumed throughout its life cycle is today an essential parameter to be taken into account from the design stage.



The main objective of the program is to enable you to acquire an excellent understanding of the behavior of structures, a good knowledge of soils and foundations, and a thorough mastery of the behavior of materials. These tools will enable you to observe, understand and master all the techniques of civil engineering and to understand their integration into the natural and human environment.

The training is declined in the analysis of the smallest to the largest scale of the problem studied from the study of materials to those of structures. Mechanical, physical and chemical behaviors are evaluated in order to provide the civil engineer with the necessary tools for the design of any type of structure.

The second important step of the training concerns the dimensioning of the structure itself. Why and for whom? For how long? In what environment? This complementary approach will allow you to think about the different stages of the realization of a unique object: design, dimensioning, execution, management and even repair.

The structures considered include all major civil engineering works (tunnels, bridges, dams, roads...) and buildings (high-rise buildings...).


The first part of 60 credits is based on the fundamental axes of knowledge of materials (water, concrete, steel, wood, plastics, etc.) as well as their practical use, and on the analysis and design of buildings, bridges, road and river infrastructures, dams as well as foundations and support structures. The analysis of the effects of exceptional stresses (fire, earthquake, floods, storms, explosions, etc.) is also part of the training.

This Master's degree offers an internship and an end-of-studies thesis.

Students will also follow the courses specific to the "Urban and Environmental Engineering" focus. This specialisation focuses on urban management: water and energy networks, land rehabilitation, urban planning, urban resilience, Introduction to Urban GIS, sociology and co-design, etc., in collaboration with the architectural engineers and the engineers in geology and mining.

Other possibilities 

A Master's degree in Civil Engineering in Construction with a specialization in Civil Engineering is also offered at ULiège. You can find the presentation and the full programme here. 

Double degrees specific to the program

This program allows you, upon selection, to graduate from several institutions (ULiège + partner institutions).

Double degree with the University of Bologna (UNIBO): you complete the 2nd block of the master's degree and the defense of the master's thesis in Bologna.

Double degree with the Ecole des Mines d'Alès : 2 blocks of the master in Alès + 1 block at ULiège.

Double degree with the Technical University of Constructions of Bucharest : you will spend the second year of the master and the defense of the master's thesis in Bucharest.

Learning outcomes

I.  Understand and be able to apply sciences and concepts within the field of engineering

Engineers master and are able to apply fundamental concepts and principles of various fields of science and technology. 

I.1 Master the concepts, principles and laws of the basic sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, etc.).

I.2 Master the concepts and principles of the engineering sciences. In particular, master and be able to mobilise advanced knowledge in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics and structural mechanics.

II.  Learn to understand

Engineers have a strong capacity for autonomous learning, which enables them to seek out and appropriate relevant information to address emerging issues and to engage in continuous learning.  They may also engage in research to advance the state of understanding.

II.1 Demonstrate autonomy in learning. In particular, know how to appropriate and summarise scientific and technical information from various sources (lectures, literature, references, manuals and technical documentation, online resources, etc.).

II.2 Research, evaluate and use (through scientific literature, technical documentation, the web, interpersonal contacts, etc.) new information relevant to understanding a problem or a new issue.

II.3 Carry out fundamental or applied research work to produce original scientific and technical knowledge.

III.  Analyse, model and solve complex problems

Engineers are capable of conducting structured scientific reasoning, demonstrating the capacity for abstraction, analysis and management of the constraints necessary to solve complex and/or original problems and thus to be part of an innovative process.

III.1 Formalise, model and conceptualise a scientific or technical problem related to or inspired by a complex real-life situation in rigorous language, e.g. using mathematical or computer language, to obtain results. Be capable of abstraction. In particular, develop conceptual models to solve problems in solid and fluid mechanics.

III.2 Critically analyse hypotheses and results and compare them with experimental reality, taking into account uncertainties.

III.3 Identify and manage the constraints associated with a project (technical constraints, specifications, deadlines, resources, customer requirements, etc.). 

III.4 Innovate through the design, implementation and validation of new solutions, methods, products or services.

IV. Implement the methods and techniques in the field to design and innovate while adopting an engineering approach

Engineers implement the methods and techniques specific to their field of specialisation and work as part of a multidisciplinary team to develop engineering projects and ensure the achievement of specific objectives in their working environment.

IV.1 Use a numerical/computational approach to investigate a problem and test hypotheses or solutions. 

IV.2 Use an experimental approach to investigate a problem and test hypotheses or solutions. In particular, use laboratory facilities to carry out scale models and tests on materials and structures.

IV.3 Design, configure and execute efficient constructions with appropriate materials.

IV.4 Quantify the effect of natural and man-made deterministic and probabilistic actions on the environment, on civil engineering structures, on buildings and on infrastructure.

IV.5 Manage civil engineering structures throughout their lifecycle in a safe, energy and resource efficient manner.

V. Develop their professional practice within the context of a company

Engineers are responsible members of society and the professional world. They integrate economic, social, legal, ethical and environmental constraints and challenges into their work. 

V.1 Integrate human, economic, social, environmental and legal aspects into their projects and into the design of technical solutions.

V.2  Position themselves in relation to the professions and functions of an engineer, taking into account ethical aspects and social responsibility. Adopt a reflective stance, both critical and constructive, with regard to their own way of acting, their approach and their professional choices.

V.3 Develop an entrepreneurial activity.

VI. Work alone or in groups

Engineers are able to work independently and collaborate within a group or organisation. They demonstrate responsibility, team spirit and leadership.

VI.1 Work independently.

VI.2 Work in a team. Be open to collaborative working. Make decisions together.

VI.3 Manage a team. Distribute work and manage deadlines. Manage tensions. Demonstrate leadership skills.

VI.4 Work in an environment with different hierarchical levels, different skill levels and/or different expertise. Carry out multidisciplinary projects by integrating specialist input.

VII. Communicate

Engineers are capable of communicating and sharing their technical and scientific approach and results in writing and orally. Their command of at least one foreign language, in particular English, enables them to work in an international context.

VII.1 Understand general and technical documents related to the professional practice of the discipline (plans, specifications, etc.).

VII.2 Write a scientific or technical report by structuring the information and applying the standards in place in the discipline.

VII.3 Present/defend scientific or technical results orally using the codes and means of communication appropriate to the audience and the communication setting.

VII.4 Understand and write general and technical documents in a foreign language.

VII.5 Understand and present a general or technical oral presentation in a foreign language.

Within the Faculty

The contact details for the Faculty of Applied Sciences are listed on this page.

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+32 (0)4 366 56 74



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Erasmus IN: mobil.in@uliege.be