2024-2025 / Master

Space sciences, professional focus

120 credits

Job opportunities


This solid and multidisciplinary training enables graduates to find research positions at universities around the world, starting with a doctorate funded by a fellowship (university assistant, FRIA, FRS-FNRS, short-term research contracts, EU or federal funding, etc.), international organisations such as the ESO, ESA, NASA, etc., national non-university bodies such as the Royal Observatory of Belgium, the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy and the Royal Meteorological Institute, etc.

Private and public sectors

The skills acquired in the course of the Master's in Space Sciences can be put to use in:

  • research and development departments in the space industry
  • the scientific divisions of public institutions, at both regional and federal levels, and the public service in general
  • financial firms and bodies that recruit scientists for their mathematical skills
  • IT
  • scientific consultancy firms


The scientific skills of graduates in Space Sciences allow students to find teaching positions:

  • in secondary schools,
  • in higher education,
  • as part of teaching assignments abroad (development cooperation agreements).

See also: www.ago.ulg.ac.be/Edu/Space/emplo_e.php

At the Faculty

The contact details for the Faculty of Science are listed on this page.

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Visiting students at ULiège

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