2024-2025 / Master

Environmental bioengineering, professional focus

120 credits

Job opportunities

Bioscience engineers in Environmental Sciences and Technologies are called upon to assess and prevent environmental impacts, remedy environmental pollution, restore degraded sites and contaminated soils, rehabilitate watercourses, prevent flooding, air, soil and water pollution, develop advanced technologies adapted to environmental knowledge, design sustainable equipment and construction, control and develop renewable energies and materials.

Our graduates hold positions of responsibility in the following sectors:

  • Industrial production
  • Construction, site rehabilitation, waste management
  • Company federations
  • Research and development
  • Information technology, statistics
  • Technical and commercial functions
  • Design offices
  • Environmental certification and control bodies
  • Special techniques
  • Energy
  • Public sector
  • International organizations
  • Company creation.

Find out more about the professions of bioscience engineers.

Within the Faculty

On the Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech campus, specific services are available to students to assist them with queries relating to registration and administrative procedures, social or financial support and housing.

List of contacts at Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

For any information on studies in Gembloux : + 32 (0)81 62 22 65 info.gembloux@uliege.be www.gembloux.uliege.be/futur-etudiant

Access to the Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech campus

For any other training from the University of Liege Information on Studies + 32 (0)4 366 56 74 info.etudes@uliege.be www.enseignement.uliege.be/futur-etudiant/contacts

Access conditions and registration For any questions : Contact platform

Student on mobility for a study stay in Gembloux: erasmus.gembloux@uliege.be in Liège: International Relations Department - Erasmus IN: mobil.in@uliege.be