2024-2025 / Master

Agricultural bioengineering, professional focus

120 credits

Job opportunities

Bioscience engineers in Agricultural Sciences are particularly trained to:

  • Ensure the supply of food and non-food products
  • Ensure the sustainable development of specialized and non-specialized agriculture, both in the industrialized world and in less advanced regions
  • Participate in the orientation, definition and implementation of agricultural, agri-environmental and general development policies
  • Assess the environmental, economic and social impacts of agricultural, agro-industrial and para-agricultural activities
  • Promote the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products, "from farm to fork", while ensuring product quality and human health
  • Improve plant and animal species
  • Contribute to limiting climate change and its effects
  • Combat desertification, erosion and land degradation
  • Streamline the use of finite natural resources
  • Develop the production and use of resources - energy and raw materials - renewable
  • Integrate social, environmental and agricultural relationships into development projects

The skills acquired can be used in the primary, secondary and tertiary fields of the following economic activities:

  • plant and animal science in agrarian societies or farms in temperate and tropical regions
  • agro-supply (fertilizers, seeds, plant protection products, etc.), animal feed and agri-food industries
  • marketing of products upstream and downstream of agriculture
  • biological and integrated control as well as plant and animal breeding
  • conservation and management of plant and animal collections
  • development projects through national and international organizations, consulting firms, cooperatives and NGOs
  • advice and expertise in products and services
  • general and technical education
  • scientific research and research and development
  • extension and training applied to crop and livestock production

Find out more about the professions of bioscience engineers

Within the Faculty

On the Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech campus, specific services are available to students to assist them with queries relating to registration and administrative procedures, social or financial support and housing.

List of contacts at Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

For any information on studies in Gembloux : + 32 (0)81 62 22 65 info.gembloux@uliege.be www.gembloux.uliege.be/futur-etudiant

Access to the Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech campus

For any other training from the University of Liege Information on Studies + 32 (0)4 366 56 74 info.etudes@uliege.be www.enseignement.uliege.be/futur-etudiant/contacts

Access conditions and registration For any questions : Contact platform

Student on mobility for a study stay in Gembloux: erasmus.gembloux@uliege.be in Liège: International Relations Department - Erasmus IN: mobil.in@uliege.be