2024-2025 / Inter-university certificate


40 credits

Special access conditions

Who can apply for the University Certificate/postgraduate studies in Algology ?

Students holding the following degree issued by a university of the Flemish Community or by a university of the French-speaking Community :

Master of Medicine

The "Postgraduate Studies in Algology" is accessible to holders of a medical degree issued by the European Union.

The other applications will be evaluated by the steering committee.

More information...

Profile and prerequisites

Public visé :

Les praticien·ne·s exerçant dans les hôpitaux, les centres de traitement de la douleur ou indépendant·e·s, souhaitant acquérir des compétences de pointe et multidisciplinaires dans le traitement de la douleur.


Une bonne connaissance de l'anglais parlé et écrit.