2024-2025 / Master

Management, professional focus in MBA (MBA)

120 credits

Special access conditions

Access to the Master in Management, professional focus MBA.

Benefit from direct access, with the agreement of the Management Committee[1], students who hold :

- an academic degree of Master (2 years/120 credits).

Have an access, by virtue of a decision of the academic authorities and the management committee32 and under the additional conditions they set, students who hold either :

- an academic degree similar to one of those mentioned above, awarded in the Flemish Community, in the German-speaking Community or by the Royal Military School;

- a foreign title or degree sanctioning undergraduate studies deemed comparable to one of those mentioned above and valued for 180 credits by the jury.

The jury may also value the knowledge and skills of students acquired through their personal or professional experience. This useful experience must correspond to at least five years of activity, and years of higher education can only be taken into account at the rate of one year per 60 credits acquired, without being able to exceed 2 years.

In cases where access to the Master's degree is not direct or to apply for admission not provided for above, students are invited to submit a file to the Admissions Service (www.enseignement.uliege.be/inscriptions - Tel. 04/366.96.66).

[1] Before being admitted, interested students must send their application to Mrs. Charlotte Maron (04/232.74.15 or charlotte.maron@uliege.be). The management committee of the program will select the candidates notably on the basis of their academic (content of the initial training) and professional profile. To register, students must present the authorization of the program management committee and, for foreign graduates, the admission decision.




Profile and prerequisites

Designed for experienced managers with a Master's degree, this program draws on the shared experience of each individual within their respective companies by mixing theory and practice. The program is organized on a part-time basis and is suitable for people working full time. It has been developed for managers who want to boost their careers and move into international management positions.

Charlotte Maron

Phone number : 04 232 7215

Email: charlotte.maron@uliege.be
