Special access conditions
- Are you a Belgian student with a degree awarded in Belgium? Please find information about official requirements in the French version of this page.
- You are a E.U citizen and hold a diploma awarded outside Belgium and you wish to apply for a master's degree, please find more information about the procedure on this page.
- You are a non E.U citizen and hold a diploma awarded outside Belgium and you wish to apply for a master's degree, please find more information about the procedure on this page.
Etudiant à l'ULiège
Direction administrative : Lorène Nickels lnickels@uliege.be
Apparitorat : Antonia Di Salvo adisalvo@uliege.be - +32 4 366 31 40
Secrétariat : Julie Debroux J.Debroux@uliege.be - +32 4 366 31 59
Futur étudiant à l'ULiège
Les formations, la vie étudiante, les aides à la réussite, les activités pour futurs étudiants, le quotidien sur nos campus...
Information sur les Etudes + 32 (0)4 366 56 74 - info.etudes@uliege.be
Utilisez le formulaire adhoc.
Besoin d'aide ? N'hésitez pas à contacter votre Faculté via SAM .