2024-2025 / Master

MSc. in Mechanical Engineering, professional focus in advanced ship design (EMSHIP+, Erasmus Mundus)

120 credits

Special access conditions

The Admission is done online on www.emship.eu.

Scholarships: scholarships from European Union (EACEA) are available covering living expenses (1000€/month), travel expenses, health insurance and full tuition fees.

For the scholarship application (Erasmus Mundus) for the programme starting in September 2021 and September 2022, you have to apply, respectively, in October/December 2020 and October/December 2021.

Criteria : some pre-requisites in mathematics, physics, solid mechanics, materials science, fluid mechanics, dynamics of mechanical systems and computer programming are required (see form on www.emship.eu).

English B2 level (TOEFL) or equivalent is required.

Tuition fees (see detail on www.emship.eu)

Within the Faculty

The contact details for the Faculty of Applied Sciences are listed on this page.

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Information on the programme:

+32 (0)4 366 56 74



Admissions and registration conditions

Please use the contact form for any questions you may have.

Students on a study visit to ULiège

The International Relations department is at your disposal.

Erasmus IN: mobil.in@uliege.be