
2024-2025 / Certificate

Interuniversity certificate in Competition Law

32 credits

To offer competition law practitioners a serious and full upgrade of their knowledge into 10 modules


This programme meets an expectation within the community of Belgian and European competition law practitioners, offering them training that is tailored to the demands of their professional life and provides information in an accurate, critical and exhaustive way.

For legal practitioners who are not specialists in competition law (company lawyers, for example) but are increasingly called on to deal with it, this certificate offers initial and practical training on the subject.

Programme content Courses
Brussels School of Competition Foundation

Rue des Sols 8 | B-1000 Brussels Visitors: FEB, Rue Ravenstein 4 | B-1000 Brussels


+32 (0)2 515 09 83


PETIT Nicolas

Département de Droit / Droit européen de la concurrence Bât. B33 Droit européen de la concurrence Quartier - Agora place des Orateurs 1 4000 Liège 1 Belgique

+32 (0)4 366 30 27



Cellule Formation Continue de l'Université de Liège

Place du 20-Août 7 4000 Liège


+32 (0)4 366 91 07