2024-2025 / YTRA9002-1

Travail préparatoire à la recherche en formation des adultes


30h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in education, professional focus in adult training6 crédits 




Fabian Pressia

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Overall, training in basic principles of educational research and scientific writing. The educationnal device is structured as follows :

  • Introduction : Videos presenting the structure of the course
  • Module 1: Typology of studies in educational sciences
  • Module 2: Thematic/subject proposals for the master thesis
  • Module 3: How to write a research issue and a research question?
  • Module 4: Literature review, documentary research and bibliographic standards
  • Module 5: How to write research hypotheses and a research protocol?
  • Module 6: Scientific writing
  • Module 7: Meeting and research project
  • Module 8: three sessions on tips for writing a master thesis
  • Module 9: Three sessions on qualitative research
  • Module 10: Three sessions on quantitative research
  • Module 11: Master thesis planning
  • Module 12: Research Ethics Committees
  • Writing an individual pre-master thesis

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The aims of the TIR education unit are to ensure that students are able to:

  • Define a research problem and select a relevant methodology to answer it efficiently
  • Write a research question according to current standards and the research hypothesis arising from it
  • Write a literature review articulating information, concepts, notions and/or data from a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed articles clearly related to the research question and/or the research object
  • Locate and select research papers related to their research problem using specialized bibliographic databases
  • Write a bibliography of sources used in accordance with the American Psychology Association (APA)
  • Demonstrate critical thinking in one's posture as a researcher (choice of articles, questioning of personal preconceptions, definition of the limits of current work, ...)

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Different teaching methods are used in this course :

  • Online course modules integrating video presentations, individual activities and discussions (through the use of forums)
  • Classroom sessions
  • Individual meetings according to the specific needs of each students
  • Writing a pre-master thesis integrating the notions discovered in the modules.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

The teaching unit consists of a hybrid training device combining online sessions and face-to-face sessions.

Various readings will be given in some modules. The documents will be published online. The videos used in the online sessions and the Powerpoint files used in the face-to-face sessions will also be published online.

Written work / report

Additional information:

Delivery of a written work (pre-master thesis) meeting the criteria transmitted at the beginning of the academic year. The delivery of this work in first session is conditioned by:

  • Online tasks accomplishement
  • Student participation in face-to-face sessions, including completion of proposed activities.
  • The delivery of the two administrative documents ("department" and "faculty" documents) and the integrative work within the deadlines.
If one of those criteria isn't achieved, the pre-master thesis will be automatically rescheduled in the second session.
The evaluation method remains the same regardless of the color code. A sending only by e-mail can be considered if the sanitary conditions require it.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

First session : June 10th, 2024

Second session: August 16th, 2024





Fabian Pressia, teacher assistant : f.pressia@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs