2024-2025 / YSTG9029-1

Voices internship

Voices internship

Seminar in internship assistance


Voices internship : 360h Internship
Seminar in internship assistance : 20h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in speech and language therapy, professional focus in communication and disability18 crédits 
 Master en logopédie, à finalité spécialisée18 crédits 
 Master in speech and language therapy, professional focus in neuropsychology of language and verbal learning disorders18 crédits 
 Master in speech and language therapy, professional focus in voice18 crédits 


Voices internship : Dominique Morsomme
Seminar in internship assistance : Dominique Morsomme


Dominique Morsomme

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

See "Learning outcomes" section (below)

Seminar in internship assistance

En cours

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

  • Prevention: adopt a preventive approach
  • Evaluation: integrate a comprehensive evaluation process
  • Treatment: integrate a care and treatment process
  • Professional relationship: interact with patients, their loved ones and other professionals
  • Expertise: understand the criteria for a high quality of practice.
 These skills are taken from the Référentiel de compétence du logopède, which students should refer to for details on critical learning concepts.


Seminar in internship assistance

En cours

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

LOGO1142-1 Physiopathology of deglutition LOGO5010-1 Dysphagia evaluation and rehabilitation PSYC0091-1 Neuropsychology of the elderly person NEUR0190-1 Neurology

Seminar in internship assistance

En cours

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Depend on the place of work and the internship supervisor.

In accordance with the internship agreement, interns will progressively transition from observers to semi-autonomous workers.

Training Seminar 

Although most of the above learning outcomes (LOs) are covered as part of the voice training, students may have problems or questions with some of them. If so, they can raise them during the SAS. In this respect, the following is expected: 
Presentation of a specific problem (40min) between November and March: 

This may be a clinical case in which the student is encountering difficulties, a question relating to professional practice (Expertise), a piece of re-education equipment/technique that is puzzling, ... In short, any subject related to practice - and the above-mentioned skills - that can give rise to a constructive and formative debate. 

Submit a few lines on the issue in question by email to marion.hubin@uliege.be, for prior approval. 

Content: Oral presentation accompanied by a .ppt (15') + group discussion (25'). In addition to the question/issue submitted, the student is expected to provide some answers or possible solutions, and to use the specific terminology of the profession. 
Form: quality of slide presentation and spelling. 

The PPT of the oral presentation must be sent at least 10 working days before the presentation, i.e. excluding weekends and public holidays.
Preparation for the oral defence (30min) between April and May - formative assessment : 

Presentation of a clinical case in T1 and T2, mentioning (1) the data from the assessment in T1, (2) the therapeutic objectives, (3) the development of a therapeutic objective supported by the use of tool(s) to measure the effectiveness of the intervention, (4) the data from the assessment in T2, (5) a critical look at the data in T1 and T2, (6) the presence of a bibliography mentioning at least 1 reference in English used. (10min)

Evaluation of the presentation and peer feedback (15min)

Feedback from the tutor (5min)

A student will take notes for the group to record the positive points and points for improvement mentioned during the feedback.  

Seminar in internship assistance

En cours

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Only hours actually spent at the workplace can be counted.

Seminar in internship assistance

En cours

Recommended or required readings

Provided by the internship supervisor.

Seminar in internship assistance

En cours

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

- Remote

oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

Voice training
In-class or distance learning oral presentation.

Oral defence (30min) in June

Presentation of two clinical cases in Q1 and Q2, mentioning (1) the data from the assessment in Q1, (2) the therapeutic objectives, (3) the development of a therapeutic objective supported by the use of tool(s) to measure the effectiveness of the intervention, (4) the data from the assessment in Q2, (5) a critical look at the data in Q1 and Q2, (6) the presence of a bibliography mentioning at least 2 references in English used. (15 minutes)

Questions from the placement tutor (15min)

Additional information:

The final evaluation consists in the grade given by the internship manager and the grade for the internship report.

You will be asked to write further reports for the Ligue Braille training, the training at the Liège Conservatory, the training with an ENT specialist and the assessment training at the CHU on Monday with D. Morsomme. These reports should be written according to the guidelines explained by D. Morsomme or A. Remacle.

Students are also expected to adopt a critical perspective on their overall work.

As language is an important part of the speech and language therapist's professional skills, spelling will be included in the evaluation criteria. In addition, all language errors (usage, grammar or syntax) will be sanctioned.

As a general rule, only 10 errors will be tolerated. If more errors are made in the first-session report, it will be graded 5/20 and must be presented again during the second session of exams. During the second session, excessive errors will result in the final grade being lowered by 2 points.

Deadlines: students agree to turn in the required documents (evaluation report, internship report, administrative forms) within the appropriate deadlines. If documents are sent past the deadline for the first-session exam, the student will receive a grade of 5/20 and must present their work again in the second session.

For the second-session exam, sending documents past the deadline will result in a 2-point penalty on the final grade.

Voices internship

Any session :

- In-person

written exam

- Remote

written work

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred remote

Additional information:

Pedagogical and administrative documents delivered beyond indicated deadlines will be penalized.

Seminar in internship assistance

Any session :

- In-person

written exam

- Remote

written work

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred remote

Additional information:

En cours

Work placement(s)

Internships are organised as follows:

  • "Ligue Braille" project , audiobook recording (100 pages = 10 hours of training), managed by Angélique Remacle.
  • 20 to 30 hours of voice evaluation, managed par Dominique Morsomme
  • 20 to 30 hours of phoniatrics
  • 20 hours of singing
  • Internship at the Royal Conservatory of Liège
  • 280 to 300 hours of voice rehabilitation
Some course credits can be fully or partially used within the module on rehabilitation, subject to approval.

Seminar in internship assistance

En cours.

Organizational remarks

The list of coaching teachers will be provided at the beginning of the first term.
For more information, please refer to the guidelines for the voice rehabilitation internship during the second master, provided during the first course of the voice studies programme.

Voices internship

The clinical training sessions are only assigned by the officials of the Voice Unit.

Seminar in internship assistance

En cours.


Dominique MORSOMME, Unit Manager            Dominique.Morsomme@uliege.be 
Angélique Remacle, Assistant                         Angelique.remacle@uliege.be
Marion HUBIN, Internship Tutor                      Marion.hubin@uliege.be 


Seminar in internship assistance

En cours.

Association of one or more MOOCs